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Saturday, 27 September 2014

You Know Toxo disease.

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii can be transmitted by cats and other house pets.
Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii is spread can occur through food or water that has been contaminated and can also be transmitted from animals to humans.
Toxoplasma parasite often found in cat feces and can be attached everywhere then transmitted to humans. Not just dangerous for pregnant women, this parasite also suspected to increase the risk of brain cancer in people who are infected.
Toxoplasma gondii is a parasitic infection (toxoplasmosis) can cause serious health problems in people with poor immune systems.
In animals, Toxoplasma infection had been shown to affect the brain. In addition to triggering cancer, parasitic infections also cause changes in behavior, for example in mice so had no fear so easily torn to pieces and eaten by a cat. The fact that no spread of Toxoplasma most common of raw vegetables or vegetables that are not washed properly and cooked food with imperfect.

Toxoplasma in the form Tachizoit present in body fluids such as blood, saliva and semen, which is able to be transmitted by insect bite through. Tachizoit can be nested in the prospective egg or milk glands so do not rule out the eggs and milk can be infected with Toxoplasma. Transmission can also occur through blood transfusions or organ transplants that carry Toxoplasma cysts. Heart transplant, kidney, and liver could be an excellent transmission of Toxoplasma.
While in humans, it is considered risky for pregnant women only because it was feared could be fatal to the health of the fetus. With the latest research results, the adults can also have an increased risk of fatal infection caused by Toxoplasma.
Basically humans resistant (immune) to Toxoplasma infection. Although infection (bacteria into the body), it does not cause disease symptoms. If the body is strong, then the parasite pathway only calm silence does not cause disease symptoms. Cyst will cause pain if symptoms weak body condition, decreased immunity, malnutrition, and in a state of stress. Tissue cysts in the body can damage organs.
Meanwhile, if the infection occurs in the heart can lead to heart valve damage. Infections in the brain neural network and cause a variety of symptoms include headaches, numbness (numbness) in part of the body to cause spasms that lead to death. But the fatal cases due to small numbers of Toxoplasma.

Without medical treatment, Toxoplasma can survive until your lifetime. On the body with high durability, Toxoplasma probably will not cause any symptoms. He just formed themselves into a cyst, attached to the body tissues, and ready to infect when the corresponding re-exposed to toxoplasma in large numbers.
Based on several studies, approximately 40 percent of pregnant women with Toxoplasma in early pregnancy, the fetus will be born infected, and 15 percent experienced a miscarriage or premature birth. As many as 17 percent of fetuses infected in the first trimester, 24 percent in the second trimester, and 62 percent in the third trimester.

Results of other studies also said that 90 percent of infected infants can be born with normal, although 80-90 percent of these infants may suffer from impaired vision to blindness after several months or several years after birth, and 10 percent can have a hearing loss.
Toxoplasmosis in infants can cause abnormalities in nerve, eye, and systemic disorders such as pale, yellow, fever, enlarged liver and spleen, or bleeding. Neurological dysfunction may lead to delay psychomotor development in the form of mental retardation (intelligence interruption or delay in speech development), as well as spasms and stiffness that eventually lead to delays in motor development.
Infection in infants is also potentially cause birth defects, especially when it occurs at the beginning of pregnancy up to three months. Toxoplasma can also cause encephalus (do not have the skull), hydrocephalus (enlargement of the head), and even death.
To reduce the risk of Toxoplasma infection in humans, the researchers suggested to frequently clean cat or other pet. Also, avoid eating undercooked meat and inhaling dust or anything that may be contaminated with cat feces.

Toxoplasma has several ways to get into your body, namely: 

a) Accidentally swallowing cat feces that contain Toxoplasma eggs. Generally, this method is not realized, for example, eating with contaminated hands after gardening, cleaning a cat eating or other items that have been contaminated
b) Eating contaminated meat is superbly cooked and not cooked
c) Eating contaminated water .


The symptoms experienced by a person suffering from Toxoplasma is 80-90% of normal people have no symptoms. Only 10-20% show symptoms. In adults Toxoplasma usually causes symptoms such as:
Sore throat
Enlarged lymph nodes, including the liver and spleen,
Skin irritation.
The symptoms are usually mild and self-limiting within a few months. Most people would assume that he was exposed to a mild flu and not have to go to the doctor.
The doctor was very rare that thinking towards Toxoplasma infection.

TORCH infections include: 


Common infections in the world are caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The infection is transmitted from animals to humans or through food and water contaminated. The parasites can be transmitted from the mother to the placenta which cause disability. Approximately 5-10 percent will experience a spontaneous miscarriage, 8-10 percent result in babies born with brain damage or severe eye and 10-13 percent of those who survive impaired vision.

Rubella infection 

This infection is also known as German measles. Rubella in the first trimester of pregnancy about 90 percent are at risk of inherited disorders such as blindness, deafness, heart disease, mental retardation and even miscarriage.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 

This infection is a herpes virus family and is one of the most widely spread type in the world. The disease is transmitted through sexual contact or during pregnancy. Arising as a result of about 10 percent had complications and 80-90 percent have a hearing loss, vision and variations of mental retardation.

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) 

There are 2 types of this infection is herpes virus simplex virus 1 (HSV 1) and herpes simplex virus (HSV 2). Generally transmitted through social contact in childhood or sexual contact in adults. Both types of HSV can lead to severe disorders in the fetus or the baby is born and even be fatal.
Some tips to avoid toxoplasmosis:
Premarital health check to make sure you and your partner really healthy.
Check health when planning a pregnancy, so that preventive action can be taken in case of toxoplasmosis or other infections.
Consumption of meat is completely cooked or no longer pink parts. The meat is frozen (stored in the freezer) for a few days, salami, typically do not contain toxo, but should still be cooked before eaten.
Drink milk that has been cooked or pasteurized.
Wash hands with soap and warm water after handling meat. Also wash cooking utensils such as knives, cutting board, and former bowl of raw meat, until it is completely clean.
Wash fruits and vegetables with clean running water.
Be careful when eating vegetables at food stalls. Make sure the vegetables are already washed.
Peel the fruit before eating.
Drinking water that is clean and mature.
Avoid direct contact with cat feces or wear gloves when caring for cats.
Wear gloves when gardening or doing activities with clay that may be contaminated with animal feces. Clean gardening equipment afterwards.
Consult your pet to the vet on a regular basis.

Virus Toxoplasma harmless except in pregnant women, which will affect the development and health of the fetus in the womb.
The easiest way to avoid the virus is to keep the environment clean, avoid too familiar with pets, such as cats and birds, as well as follow some health tips from a medical professional.  Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 27, 2014 at 09:06
Tag : You Know Toxo disease.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM