A cook who is interested in Islam says:
I believe the true Islamic religion, because of my profession as a chef at Restaurant Halal (in countries where Islam is a minority).Islam stipulates that the carcass should not be eaten, and this is good because it keeps us from rotting meat that is definitely not good for us, from the smell alone is not good. Islam thus keeping the food we eat healthy, fresh, fresh, good for the body.
Besides, the animals were not slaughtered should not be eaten by Muslims, such as here (communist country) there is no way to slaughter chickens, that is directly minced chicken, cut in parts of the body without being slaughtered, and this resulted in the blood was still present in the chicken meat.
Blood is not good because we eat are loaded with germs, bacteria and viruses that often is not good for human health. In Islam obliges slaughtered until the blood runs out. And this country rarely had a religion, my own while this religious Catholics, but there are no rules in the Catholic how to cut the animals, it's just a rule in Islam. And I want to be a Muslim.
PIG Likewise, why is forbidden? because it has been proven many deadly diseases of swine, or minimal disease is nested inside the human body regularly.
Many deadly plague millions of people originating from pigs, from time to time there is always the outbreak of swine diseases, for example, just last outbreak was bird flu and swine flu also.
Islam regulates and kosher as well beneficial to humans, being unclean is bad for humans. Only Islam is good for a man, to humanize humans.
Allah says:
Forbidden you carrion, blood, pork, were slaughtered in the name of other than Allah,
the choke, hit, falling, headlong, wild animals and torn to pieces, except that you could kill it, and slaughtered for idols.
QS.5 Ma'ida: 3, QS.2 Baqarah: 173, QS.6 An'am: 145, QS.16 Nahl: 115
O mankind!
Truly God is good
HE did not receive good except
Then Rasul SAW paragraph read:
Eat of that good that we rizkikan you
QS.2: 172
Then call the Rasul SAW
With matted hair and dirty body
Tengadahkan 2 hands while praying:
"Oh my God! Oh my God! "
Though the food was unlawful
Drinks & clothes haram,
it may not be granted his prayer "
HR.Muslim 540
Code pigs / meat haram doubtful approach, on food.
One of my colleagues called Shaikh Sahib works as a clerk at the Food & Drug Administration (POM) in the sore, France. His job is to register all makes of goods, foods and medicines.
Any product that will be presented to the market a company, the product ingredients must first obtain permission from the Food and Drug watchdog France and Shaikh Sahib works in the Agency Quality Assurance section, therefore he knows a wide variety of foodstuffs marketed. Many of these materials scientific names, but there are also some which are written in mathematical form as the E-904, E-141.
At first, when Shaikh Sahib find the mathematical form, he was curious and asked the mathematical code to a French authority in the field and the person replied "just do your job, and do a lot of wondering".
Answer it aroused suspicion in Shaikh Sahib and he then began to figure out the mathematical code in the existing document. What he found was enough to startle the Muslims in the world.
In almost all the western countries including Europe, the primary choice for meat is pork. So many pig farms in these countries. In France alone the number of pig farms reached more than 42,000.
Total body fat content in pigs is very high compared to other animals. But Europeans and Americans try to avoid fats such. Then the question is now; The nephew of the pig fats? the answer is: All pigs are cut in slaughter houses under surveillance POM and the headache of the Agency is to remove the fat removed from these pigs.
In the past approximately 60 years ago, the fats are burned. Then they thought of utilizing it. As an initial test try they make soap with the fatty material and it worked. Fats are chemically processed, packaged and marketed in such a way. In the meantime, countries in Europe impose rules that require ingredients of any food products, medicines must be listed on the packaging. Therefore, a material made from lard imprinted with the name of Fat Pig (pork fat) on product packaging. Those who have lived in Europe for the past 40 years know about it. However, products with ingredients lard is forbidden to enter the Islamic countries at the time, causing the trade deficit to the country of export. Turned to the past, if you connect with Southeast Asia, you might know about the factors that lead to civil war. At that time, rifle bullets were made in Europe and transported to the continent by sea. The trip takes many months to reach there and the gun powder in it was damaged by exposure to sea.
Then they got the idea of coating the bullets with lard. The fat layer had to be scratched by teeth before using them. As news spread about the coating and reached the ears of soldiers, mostly Muslim and some Vegetarian (people who do not eat meat), then the soldiers refused to fight, resulting in a civil war (civil war).
European countries acknowledge this fact and instead of writing pork fat in animal fat packaging by writing. All the people who lived in Europe since the 1970s know. When the companies were asked by authorities from the Islamic state regarding the animal fat, then the answer is that the fat is the fat of cattle and sheep, however fats are forbidden for Muslims slaughter of farm animals such as not following Islamic law. Therefore products with the new labels is forbidden to enter the Islamic countries. As a result, the manufacturer companies facing very serious financial problems because 75% of their income earned by selling products to Muslim countries, where sales profits to the Islamic countries could reach billions of dollars.
Finally they decided to make the codification language only understood by the POM and the common man does not know. The code begins with the code E-CODES. E-INGREDIENTS are present in a lot of products of multinational firms including toothpaste, a type of chewing gum, chocolate, confectionery, biscuits, canned food, canned fruits and some multi-vitamins and many more types of food products and other medicines. Since the product - the product above is used by Muslim countries, we as a Muslim community is no exception being the public face of disease problems, loss of a sense of shame, violence and promiscuity (cohabiting).
Therefore, I request all Muslims to check the ingredients first products of daily use and match it with a list of E-CODES code below. If found the following codes in the packaging of products that we will buy, then it should be avoided because the products with the codes below contain lard.
E120, E140, E141, E153, E325, E422, E430, E431,
E432, E433, E434, E435, E436, E470, E471,
E472, E473, E474, E475, E476, E477, E478, E481,
E482, E483, E491, E492, E493, E494, E495, E542,
E570, E572, E631, E635.
It is our responsibility as Muslims to follow Islamic law and also notify this information to our brothers.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 26, 2014 at 19:24
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM