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Wednesday 26 November 2014

Lake Nyos in Cameroon deadliest lake.

Lake Nyos had killed 1800 people, a lake full of mystery in nature. Not only saves an incredible natural beauty of the lake Nyos also save a million mystery. Lake Nyos is said to have killed 1800 people. What is wrong with this lake to take the victim to 1800 people. Let's look a little about Lake Nyos, 1800 Lake Life Has Killed.
Lake Nyos

Lake Nyos, which contains a vast lake in Cameroon, West Africa. This lake reaches a depth of 157 m to 208 meters deep. There are many people who live around the lake Nyos valley. However, in 1986, there are oddities in the locality. Approximately 1700 people die suddenly and simultaneously. Even more strangely, all the people who died were killed in position while performing their daily work. One was killed while pumping water, cooking, and some are killed while drinking a glass of water. Some survivors of the incident tell you what happened on the day these people died.

He said, the night before the incident, the air suddenly felt warm and smelled like rotten eggs. Society is not too worried about it. And suddenly the next day, when many of the bodies were busy with their daily activities. No one knows for sure what caused the strange death. But experts find, if the color of the water of Lake Nyos changed from clear to bright orange color.

 But experts find, if the color of the water of Lake Nyos changed from clear to bright orange color.

To find the answer, the experts then examined Craten Lake in Oregon. This lake is the largest lake in seven world. The extent of 50 square kilometers with a depth of 594 meters. So be explained if the Empire State hold this lake, will sink. Craten lake holds about 19 trillion liters of water. Around 7700 years ago, Mount Mazame the place erupted and threw the top of the mountain.

Crater Lake is then formed Craten. However, it turns volcanic activity Mazame still affect the lake. Because the lake was still there an ex who still hot magma. The experts found that the temperature of the water in the bottom of the lake a few degrees warmer, the salt content also ten times more concentrated and contains a lot of CO2. CO2 is then seeping from cracks the crust and into the crater which has now become a lake. However, the presence of water has prevented the increase of CO2 into the air. Even if there is little that escapes, still carried by wind gusts can be lost. So it is not too dangerous.

This process also influences the change of seasons. In winter, the velocity of the water will be pushed down because of warmer temperatures below.

This process also influences the change of seasons. In winter, the velocity of the water will be pushed down because of warmer temperatures below. By contrast, in the summer, the speed of the water will rise to the top. The cycle then create the appearance of a layer of water of different densities. The lowest layer of water is more concentrated than the above. At the bottom layer of water flowing from the bottom of CO2 saved the earth. CO2 can not rise higher because of differences in water density in the layer above it. So that collect and accumulate for decades and became very much in the bottom water layer.

This phenomenon was later found also in smaller Horseshoe Lake from Lake Craten. The trees that grow around the lake dries up and eventually die. After investigation, it turns CO2 level in the lake reached 100 tons / day and seep into the ground. This is what makes trees around them die. The experts then conduct experiments to dig a little dirt on the lake and trying to start a fire. However, due to the highly concentrated levels of CO2, the fire was extinguished immediately brought closer to the ground. It turns out that the accumulation of CO2 that has been very much on the lake eventually overflow and cause the lake to be very dangerous. However, the level of CO2 in Horseshoe Lake is not too dangerous for humans, because the level of danger limit is 1.75 million tons. And this will only happen in the event of volcanic eruptions.

These findings then help the experts to conclude what happened at Lake Nyos. The night before the show, there is a cliff at the edge of the lake, collapsed and went into the water. It is estimated that this cliff ruins have shaken the water layer. So the most basic layer filled with CO2 to rupture and drain large amounts of CO2 to the surface of the lake.

The next morning the CO2 stream is then entered a residential area. And because CO2 is colorless and odorless, people are not aware of his arrival. That is what causes many people were killed while performing daily activities. CO2 is like a killer lurking quietly. Few people are aware of the dangers inherent invisible bottom of the lake that looks very beautiful on the surface. Without them knowing it, they have inhaled CO2 derived from the most basic layer of the lake, which has been accumulated over decades. And a lot of people who died because of it. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 26 November 2014 at 21:00
Tag : Lake Nyos in Cameroon deadliest lake.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Facts State China.

Bamboo curtain country, China is not a closed country like North Korea and Iran. But there, freedom can not be held to a maximum because of the many rules and regulations. Embrace the ideology of communism and also different from other countries make the Chinese do not allow their Twitter there. Finally, there was the site Weibo social networking are becoming citizens.

That's just a bit of facts about China. Still there are other facts that make you stared plus shaking his head. Curious?

Boil the eggs in Urine Men male Thus Favorite Food.

Boil the eggs in Urine Men male Thus Favorite Food.

Weirdest food you have ever eaten? Frog? Snakes? In China precisely Dongyang, favorite food there ... kinda disgusting anyway. Ie boiled eggs in the urine of boys are still young.
He does good. But do not imagine the hell that until urine water soaks into the egg?

The shirt collar pin in the Army.

The shirt collar pin in the Army.

Soldiers in China is famous for its firmness and also its commitment to defend the country until the end. This loyalty that makes the Army is always ready to fight and keep this country. One is always stood tall and always uplifted chin.

For this to happen, the soldiers are required to tuck a pin on his collar. If they lowered a little, going punctured. How terrible?

Chinese police Select Use Geese than Dog Tracker.

Chinese police Select Use Geese than Dog Tracker.

Almost all countries in the world use sniffer dogs to assist the investigation into the incident. In addition to a keen sense of smell also bloodhound able to provide more accurate guidance. But it turns out there know more reliable than dogs, that goose!

Geese have a sensitivity to sound sharper than dogs. Police in some areas in China 'commissioned' geese at checkpoints so when there is a strange noise like the occurrence of theft, it will be squawking geese and give a signal to the police where the scene. Cool huh?

Countries with high abortion rates.

Countries with high abortion rates.

To cope with the population explosion and the increasing number of human population in China, the government requires that citizens only have 1 child only. It is not easy because it could be 'conceded' to get pregnant again. It is this factor that led to the high number of abortions in the country this panda.

Carrying tens of thousands and millions of other discarded baby aborted and most are girls. Apparently in China, the family there considers if the daughter was 'useless' and they prefer boys, whereas boys who later would marry if a shortage of girls in the future?

State of the World's Worst Pollution.

State of the World's Worst Pollution.

You stay in Jakarta or other big cities in Indonesia and the air felt so dirty? Besides Indonesia, India and China also have a very severe air pollution. Even so bad, in China it is not uncommon as a thick fog covered when it was smoke pollutants that are harmful to human breathing.

Not only in China, pollution from these countries also spread to America Lho. San Francisco, the city became one of the 'victims' of pollution from China that passes through the Pacific Ocean. According to the study, one third of the pollution in SF donated from China.

Citizens Efficient Use of Money.

Citizens Efficient Use of Money.

What is the cost of your life in one day? Just tell me if you are 2 million salary would normally diplotting then one day for meals and transportation is 50 thousand dollars. Well, you will be dropped if know how much the cost of living that is required by Chinese citizens every day
100 million Chinese can live 'only' at a cost of $ 1 per day or about 12 thousand dollars only. It includes 3 meals a day and the cost of transportation. Gosh saving once.

Although the State Secular But Many Are Religious.

Although the State Secular But Many Are Religious.

China is a country that is secular and also embraced communism. But this does not mean making citizens are not religious, you know. Of the many population of 54 million of whom converted to Christianity. There is also a religion embraced Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam. Actually, the Chinese government did not issue orders to not be religious.

But unfortunately, in China is still sometimes a conflict that resulted in the religions of the oppressed or hurt. For example, assaulted, tortured and many more. Hopefully it fade away.

The Most Decisive Against Corruptor.

The Most Decisive Against Corruptor.

In Indonesia, people affected by corruption can be with a delicious piece of the detention period could even be free from the bondage of the law at all. Well, really different with China. There do not expect people who caught corruption can live peacefully and safely.

The Chinese government did not hesitate to execute criminals. Not infrequently there is the death penalty was held in one month to several times. Once there were discovered corruption, after the court proceedings immediately put to death. Wew make ya deterrent effect, whether Indonesia dare to take a step like this?

China's Got Privilege Of Google.

China's Got Privilege Of Google.

On copyright piracy and music is one of Google's concern eradicated. Now it seems almost impossible to download songs for free via the website as would normally be blocked due to piracy and crime. This is in contrast with Google China.

There, Google allows sites there to upload songs from the record label there and can be downloaded for free and free. So no need to buy or download through iTunes. Well, fruit simalakama. Which can be downloaded free of charge but the artists bite the finger.

Shanghai, The Most Jams World.

Shanghai, The Most Jams World.

Get stuck it sucks incredible. It seemed already can not stand it when I have to spend hours on the road. That's why, you better not go using a personal vehicle while on Shangkai, China. Surprisingly, there congestion length can be up to 62 miles.

Stuck for hours just awful, in Shanghai you can hit jammed up ... 12 days. Yes 12 days, imagine almost two weeks just for the sake of a trip and hit a standstill. Unbelievable.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 26, 2014 at 20:32
Tag : Facts State China.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Drinks from animal waste.

Many types of beverages on the market today. With a variety of flavors on offer, but have a common goal of eliminating hunger for the drinker. But you know if now a lot of innovation of beverage products sold in the market. The producers are now not only make fruit drinks alone but began to make a breakthrough which spelled unusual. They make a drink with the basic ingredients of animal dung.

Are you a coffee lover? But you are also a shocker then henceforth be careful in choosing a coffee product. Brands of coffee at exorbitant prices can be made from extracts of animal waste. Some of drink made from extracts of animal waste are  :

Elephant Coffee - Coffee Pleasure Extract elephant dung.

 Elephant Coffee - Coffee Pleasure Extract elephant dung.

The basic ingredients of coffee is of course as the name suggests, is made from waste products elephant. Coffee Elephant basically made the same way as civet coffee, but this one kind of coffee has a flavor that is "unique" outcome of the process of digestion in the gut reaction of elephants.

Inventor of this coffee is Blake Dinkin, he also explained that it takes about 33kg of raw coffee only to produce 1 kg of coffee elephant. This is because the digestive system is a very powerful elephant so many copies are destroyed during digestion. The price of a cup of coffee elephant valued USD. 600,000.

Kopi Luwak Coffee World's Most Expensive From Dirt Luwak.

Kopi Luwak Coffee World's Most Expensive From Dirt Luwak.

This one is fond of animals eat coffee, and the mongoose is most experts choose the quality and level of maturity of coffee to be eaten. However, because the beans are very hard then only the skin of these animals are ingested while the seeds remain intact.

Whole coffee beans that will come out in the form of feces that is then processed and made coffee. The coffee lovers assess the aroma and taste of civet coffee has a distinctive compared to other coffee, would not be surprised if a cup of civet coffee is priced at Rp 1 million.

Panda Tea - Organic Tea Dirt Panda.

Panda Tea - Organic Tea Dirt Panda.

This bamboo-eating animals cute really a blessing for the people of China. How animal waste not one is capable of producing high quality plant. A former teacher in China, An Yanshi utilizing panda dung tea farming.

The products of tea, named "organic tea panda dung" have exorbitant prices, ie the range of USD 200 or equivalent Rp.1,9 million, although the price is fantastic, but many tea lovers still hunt this product. An Yanshi has now become entrepreneurs tea in southwest China.

Vanilla and Raspberry flavoring - Vanilla From Ass Beaver.

Vanilla and Raspberry flavoring - Vanilla From Ass Beaver.

Drinks vanilla and raspberry flavoring flavoring has called caster. Do you know what the raw material for making the caster? Small material is made from beaver ass. You do this by extracting fluid ari's rump gland.

Then the liquid resulting from the extraction process is what will be used to make a beverage flavoring vanilla and raspberry. However, due to the rising price of ass beaver, your chances of enjoying this drink seems to be quite small.

Cow Urine - Competitor Drink Coke and Pepsi.

Cow Urine - Competitor Drink Coke and Pepsi.

A group of prominent Hindu culture in India Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh named (RSS) doing research on cow urine to make alternative health drinks in Haridwar, a holy city in the Ganges River. The result is of course a health beverage products that taste like soft drinks.

It is hoped the findings of these drinks can rival the leading beverage brands such as Coke and Pepsi. They gave the name of the findings drinks with Gau Jal Water aka Cow. No wonder if the cow urine is used in the manufacture of these drinks, because the Indian Hindu community makes this a sacred animal.

That beverages made from animal waste. Maybe some of us had ever tasted one of these products because it tastes delicious without knowing the manufacturing process. How do now after knowing the raw material for making beverages? Are you getting curious to taste it or vice versa?
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 26, 2014 at 19.18
Tag : Drinks from animal waste.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Monday 24 November 2014

About Carrier.

Carrier (English: carrier vessel, CV) is the designation for a warship that contains large amounts of fighter aircraft. His job is to move the air force in naval fleet as a support naval operations. It is also used as a command center operations and as a force detterence or dither effect on the opponent. For ships carrying aircraft, fighter aircraft carrier has a higher flexibility than any other warships. In addition to usability fighter, aircraft carrier also has other functions such as reconnaissance, air superiority, or provide assistance. When the Tsunami in 2004, the United States Navy ship to lower one parent in providing humanitarian assistance to victims, search for missing persons, and transporting the bodies of victims.

History carrier.

The aircraft carrier was first used by the British Navy, but until the second world war western countries including the United States are still reluctant to use it as a naval force main. The conventional concept of a naval fleet at that time was dominated by heavy cruise ship, cruise ship, destroyer (destroyer) with a size large enough cannon this is due to that the aircraft carrier is seen quite vulnerable and risky when used in maritime operations.
Is the Japanese Navy (Kaigun) which uses mains ship effectively at the beginning of World War II. Due to the maritime agreement between the United States and Japan as well as France and Germany agreed tonnage ratio of 5: 5: 3: 1.5: 1.5 for the USA, UK, Japan, France and Germany to Japan outsmart by making carrier medium size but equipped strength deadly air even reap the anger of the military itself. Evidence from Japanese engineering is an attack on Pearl Harbor December 9, 1941 that brought the West will function carrier that can carry out deadly attacks on opponents target installation. When the start of the Pacific War, Japan has six aircraft carrier that is Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, Hiryu, Shokaku, and Zuikaku, and 2 light carrier is Hosho and Ryujo. Japan lost four mother ship at the Battle of Midway, the Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, and Hiryu. Since then, the offensive-offensive Japan using aircraft carrier has been discontinued and is meaningless anymore.

Countries using the carrier.


Countries that have used the carrier.


The types of aircraft carrier.

In terms of propulsion.
In terms of fuel, there are two types of carriers are:
Nuclear aircraft carrier.
Carriers using nuclear-powered engine derived from nuclear reactors that are on the vessel connected to the steam turbine. The resulting steam is in addition to the Parent ship as ship propulsion is also used as a source of electric power and steam power is used as a pressure regulator on the aircraft carrier catapult to launch the shuttle. For the United States Fleet ship was coded nuclear aircraft carrier CVN example is the USS Ronald Reagan, USS Kitty Hawk, USS Enterprise.

Carriers Conventional.

The ship is using diesel-powered engines for example, is 25 de Mayo (Argentina), Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italy), RTN Chakkri Narruebet (Thailand). For US Fleet usually used code CV and currently rarely used.

Technical Launch Aircraft.

Conventional carrier (CTOL / Conventional Take Off Landing)
Aircraft carrier of this type usually are large because the deck is used as a landing and launch aircraft in conventional (regular). Equipped with catapults to launch aircraft and arrester cable (anchoring) to assist aircraft landing, as long aircraft carrier deck is shorter than the length of the runway at the base. In addition to aircraft parking space in addition to the room which was on the hull. Ships Aircraft Carriers US Navy used the average is the carrier of this kind. Example: USS Ronald Reagan, USS John F Kennedy. Kiev (Russia), 25 de Mayo (Argentina), Foch and Charles de Gaulle (France)

Carriers STOVL (Short Take Off Vertical Landing).

The ship is usually medium / light, has Sky Jump is used to launch aircraft and aircraft landing is done vertically. Therefore, the aircraft used is a special kind of fighter aircraft AV-8 Harrier sort (USA), Harrier II Plus (UK), 38 Forger Yak, Yak 141 Freehand (Russia) or helicopter. In Russian warplanes are usually equipped laser for easy landing. Most countries use this type of Parent ship because it requires maintenance and operational costs are lower than CTOL aircraft carrier types. Examples of this type of carrier is: HMS Invincible, HMS Ark Royal (UK), Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italy), Prince de Asturias (Spain), Viraat, Vikrant (India), Novorossysk (Russia), Chakri Narruebet (Thailand), USS Tarrawa (USMC.)

Functional terms.

Carriers Fleet
Escort Carriers

Fact carrier.

Aircraft carrier consists of 3 types when viewed from the type of driving, namely having nuclear, Diesel and turbine.
Accommodate at least 6,000 aircraft carrier crew and 70 to 80 aircraft.
Aircraft carrier assembled least consist of components that terintegerasi 1.milliar into a ship construction.
The aircraft carrier has a length of about 1,000 feet (300-meter)
Mother ship never sailed off alone at sea, aircraft carrier group has a fleet of destroyers, cruisers, corvettes, ship supply of food, water and fuel, as well as a submarine (submarine)
The aircraft landed with the aircraft carrier is a challenge for pilots, because it uses the Hook (hook) and on the way down to the flight deck does not reduce speed, hastening the landing aircraft to avoid failure so that the aircraft can fly again when it happens.
In the American aircraft carrier, workers on board with colorful vest specifically to find out their duties. for example, the officer in charge of air-red vest put bombs and missiles to aircraft body, yellow vest as guiding and steering the plane, a white vest as crew landing markers, brown vest as water wing plane captain, purple vest as fuel filler officer, green vest responsible for the installation of aircraft catapult for driving and photography and cargo business, as well as a blue vest in charge of aircraft and aircraft elevator operators, tractor drivers and also liaison.
A nuclear-powered aircraft carrier can sail without refueling for 20 years.
'island' is the name for the command tower located above the deck, it ranges from 46 meters high and 6 meters wide. In part this is the command center held
There are two types of configurations is version Flat deck landing deck and sky deck Jump (used for aircraft take-off and landing Short / STOL takeoff and vertical landing / VTOL usually inhabited by a fleet of Harrier aircraft or Yakovlev (russia / soviet).
To fly, aircraft driven by a 'catapult' high pressure which will drag and throw aircraft to shorten the distance to take off.
In addition to using the 'hook' for landing, the pilot guided by a lamp that was on the deck of the ship to position the aircraft will land on the corner and a safe position. The guiding lights called "meatball" (meatball runaway deck located on the left)
Aircraft hangar located below decks are made resistant to explosions and fire resistant and there is an elevator that duty picked up the deck launcher.
The aircraft carrier is equipped with a variety of missiles for self-defense (defense), among others, such as the Phalanx and seasparrow (two missile carrier in the US)
Aircraft carrier could have a weight range 15000-90000 tons
Besides looking grim, in the carrier also has other facilities such as bars, cinemas, medical room, sports facilities etc.
Jet blast deflectors, serves as a barrier to prevent the explosion of the plane was behind it, while preparing the launch aircraft, the aircraft in a state associated with catapults and jet blast deflector in the raised position and a position just behind the tail. usually there are four Jet Blast deflector in a carrier. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 24, 2014 at 11:15
Tag : About Carrier.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Vessel development.

Ships are moving transportation at sea. Means of transport is used since ancient times, when our ancestors roam down the river using rafts. Although relatively old, technology development is on-going ships. Understandably, two-thirds of the earth is water. Thus, a means of transportation that can navigate the waters is needed.

In modern times, ships are increasingly sophisticated. Ships equipped with high-powered machines that can be accelerated. The design was made so luxurious and magnificent, equipped with facilities that pamper passengers.

But do you know how ships can evolve from a raft in ancient times into modern transportation facilities like today?



Here ancestors ships. The first generation of ships is still very simple. Ancient man used to use a canoe or raft to cross the river or lake. Canoes are usually made from a tree trunk.

Boat Egypt (3000 BC)

Boat Egypt

Egyptian boat was a pioneer of modern ships today. This boat already has a frame made of wood and can carry up to 20 passengers.

Boats Phoenix (2000 BCE)

Boats Phoenix

Phoenix nation, in addition to already able to build merchant ships, are also able to make warships. Phoenix nation artificial vessel driven by the screen and paddle. With this ship, they were able to sail across the UK to Africa.

Roman Boat (5 M)

Roman Boat

Roman boat known as Galiun (English: Galleon) has a large size with a large screen as well. Roman Galiun also bergerang with the help of hundreds of rowers to increase speed when fighting.

Boat Vikings (800 AD)

Boat Vikings

Vikings known as a tough sailor. Boats used this nation called longship. This boat has a beautiful ornaments.

Boat Yung (Approximately 800 M)

Boat Yung

Not to be outdone, the peoples of Asia especially Chinese people also have their own homemade boat. That boat Yung which has two screens, one of which is large and one small. This boat is very agile for its size is not too large.

Caravelle (Age 14)


Caravelle is a sailing ship developed by the Spanish and Portuguese. She is capable of exploring the world, you know ... Even Christopher Columbus sailed to America aboard this.

Sailing (Ages 16 to 18)


Countries in Europe many build ships with a large screen like this. Admiral Nelson of the British use of this type of vessel, the HMS Victory in the naval battle of Trafalgar between the British and French.

Clipper (19th Century)


Clipper is a typical American sailing ship in the mid-19th century. Clipper is famous for being able to speeding in the sea because it has a lot of screens.

Steamship (Late 19th Century)


Along with the development of technology, the invention of the steam engine helped the development of modern ships bound ship. Genarasi steamboat era marked the end of sailboats. Steamer using steam from the boiler to drive the propeller.

Motor Ship (Age 20)

Motor Ship

Entering the 20th century, steamships began to evolve into a ship engine using diesel fuel. Motor vessel includes vessel modern times.

The ships Future

The ships Future

The ships in the future more and more modern. Modern ships that will be widely used in the future, namely the aircraft carrier, nuclear-powered submarine, hovercraft, hydrofoil, and jetfoil. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 24, 2014 at 10:33
Tag : Vessel development.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

History of ships.

Mainland is a reasonable human environment, but the sea is also a challenge, even during early human civilizations were already making boat / ship and ventured down to the sea. Possibility of boat earliest forms of "boat lanes" which is still visible today in the rivers of Borneo. But for a long distance certainly needed a bigger boat.
Pictures of boats that have been discovered, estimated to be made in 6000 years ago, but no doubt that humans have been able to make the boat a long time before. Maybe the boat started to be known when someone uses driftwood trunk or a bundle of rods reeds to help him floating on the water. Then by chance found that the buoyancy hollow timber larger than solid wood.
Furthermore, humans learn how to bind twigs or reeds to be used as a raft and how to make hollow reed boats to be used as a raft and how to make the boat cavity by punching holes in a piece of wood. To enhance the discovery he gives paddle / outrigger and then set the screen on both these kinds of vessels. Raft is a boat that is made by combining ingredients. Assemble the growing might of the boat first earnest. The development of the boat cavity deadlocked because of the limited, but still primitive nations use it. In the past, they did an amazing cruise boats with more than 1000 years ago, Polynesian nation across the Pacific Ocean commute by boat cavity. Little by little ships refined from the stone age to the boat to form long-Punic ship.
Boat called balsa used since ancient times in the lake Titicaca, Peru. Balsa is made of reeds and bonds can only be used for a few months because of the reeds quickly decompose and disintegrate.
Brigg boat made in the stone age of 16 meters long and 1.35 meters wide. For the size of the cavity boat is incredible. The boat is reinforced with wooden beams that cross at certain distances along the body. Through holes drilled on both sides of the boat was stretched leather strap, so that the boat was pressed firmly on the transverse beam earlier.
Among the most famous sailors in ancient times was the Phoenicians, they inhabit a narrow area, not fertile that lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the desert. Because it is not surprising that they chose the sea as a place to earn a living. Maybe they're the first sailors who sail offshore and around the African continent (approximately in 600 BC).
The ships they controlled the trade in the Mediterranean Sea to the north they sailed to England. The Phoenicians make manifold merchant ships and warships oval with a power boat and paddle screen as a backup, ships were long and slender and speed with the paddle power assisted screen is used as a warship.
Around the 27th century BC the Egyptians had built a boat of papyrus stems. Their boat sailed the Nile and the Red Sea. Boats ancient times did not venture far from the mainland, so I can easily find out the position of the signs are visible from the coast. The threat that exists only in the form of risk aground or hit a reef. But if the land does not appear again more difficult to identify the exact position. The sailors were forced to find a way. Mediterranean Sea called the cradle of the "Science of Navigation" because there sailors West for the first time ventured to navigate the open ocean.
Actual papyrus boat is floating rafts could. To prevent papyrus stems not much suck water, sticks together into a big file. The most ancient types of boats in Egypt are made of papyrus stems widely available there. About 30 century BC, the boat was sailed to Crete and Lebanon.
Presumably the nation's most famous sailor nautical times are Vikings. They sailed the seas of the Atlantic to North America over the long ships are sleek and fast.  Ability across the seas proved when in 1893 it managed to cross the artificial vessel Atlantic Ocean.

Steamship invention.

The first steamboat made in Fulton is a strange boat with a paddle wheel on the side of the hull were tested in France in 1803. In the course of experiments on the river Seine boat was going well and moving back and forth like the walking speed in a hurry on the mainland.
But a lightweight hull unbalanced with large steam boiler and the machine weighs too heavy. "CLERMONT" which steam power is depicted in the figure proposed by Fulton to the US Patent Office did a brilliant first cruise on the Hudson River in 1807. When compared to its predecessor, the improvement is on the machine "Boulton and Watt" more powerful and efficient and the hull design is perfect to carry the machine.
Steam and sailing ships that crossed the Atlantic aboard the steam-powered solely bring people closer to the real modern ships. But the drastic progress of the Great Western, the wheeled timber ship sides in addition to the mighty Mauretania only possible thanks to the confluence of three vital technical advances during the 19th century steamboats Charlotte Dundas first successful construction was built in 1803 for an English nobleman Lord Dundas and named his wife.
Month March 1803 this ship heaved two barge loaded at the Fort and Clyde canal. But next cruise prohibited landlord alarming canal square waves would damage the wheel gastric canal cliff.
Steamship Great Eastern which was completed in 1858 is the largest of its kind. At times it can carry 4000 passengers or 10,000 soldiers. To make it required 10,200 tons of steel and 5,430 m2 of sail cloth.
Ship Great Eastern which is entirely made of iron in the relatively greatest and most amazing world. These characteristics are retained for nearly 40 years. With approaching 215 m long, 26 m wide and 18 m high and unloading 12,000 tons of coal, rounded the Cape of Good Hope and back through the Cape Horn.
Great Eastern is historically important because this ship demonstrates the possibilities of metal construction to measure virtually unlimited. Instead, as a working ship, the Great Eastern is a miserable failure. The vessel has not been entered East trade lane is actually a goal. The ship had spent years in the bleak mining is used as a trans-Atlantic cable-laying vessel (Cable Layer Ship) cross the Atlantic for more than 10 years and finished his career as a floating home entertainment.

Ship Explosion Total Iron.

An investigation into the ship sails to the Far East trade, published in 1853 by James Hodgson I, a shipbuilder Liverpool concluded that a measuring timber ship of 1,000 tons cost 20% higher than the same sized iron ships. Moreover, the timber ship capacity is 1,500 tons of cargo, while the capacity of the iron ship of the same size could reach 1,800 tons.
As a result of this difference, plus the depreciation rate lower and lower costs for insurance and interest, an iron ship returning from the East can bring advantages 2:00 pounsterling greater than the acquisition of timber ships. This report encourages the rapid growth in the manufacture of iron ships.

Ship Type Activator.

Movers paddle / Oar.

In the 21th Century ship propulsion using the paddle is not there anymore, except the boats in shallow waters such as in rivers of Borneo, Sumatra, Java and others. Vessel having a paddle driven by human power with the paddle (oar) in the left or right side of the hull (hull) vessel.
Vessel having a paddle is now only used for sporting competitions, in the Kapuas river Musi and there rowboat known as Bidar boat pedaled by some people with a sitting at the bow to give the cue,
There's also a boat crossing the river that serves as a bridge. In the 18th century and 19th are using some sort of paddle boats run by machines, Pedal boats are called paddle wheel (wheel paddles) ship called Paddle Wheel Ship.

The driving wind.

Ships having a wind that ship construction using masts and some sort screens (sail) to harness the wind blowing on the screen of the ship. Until the end of the 17th century, ocean sailing vessels already rare after power the engine that drives the propeller has been used since the invention of the steam engine. Now sailing ships still possessed by some countries like Germany, UK, USA and Indonesia as well as the ship of the Navy's coach is named KRI Dewaruci RI and Phinisi archipelago that some time ago across the ocean towards Cancouver to participate in the exhibition of marine transportation.
For inter-island cruise, the ship sails from Madura and Sulawesi until now still we encountered unloading at the port of Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta, with a cargo of copra, rattan, boards, lumber, and other. Ocean sailing boat is equipped with two or three masts and a few screens, each of which has a name and function.

Vessel (boat) screens for sport (sport screens) are in all countries, including Indonesia, which has a screen sports teams and rowing. Example Pertamina has a health club named Seahorse screen. Types of sailboats competed among others:
laser; Interprise, 407
Firebal; Yacht, etc.
407 is the type of sailboat that length of 4 m 7 cm.

Roman Galea from the period around 50 BC in the battle mainly used paddle, but if there is no wind for sailing far used the screen. Milestones pounder iron or bronze plated to drown the enemy. Rectangular screen used, as well as rowing and steering the boat is located on the left.

Dhau boat in Arabic has been known since over 15 centuries, the Arabs that time sailors had sailed back and forth to India to take advantage of seasonal wind. Already from the first time a sailboat or boat used as a means of transport in the water due to the use of cargo ships can be transported as much as possible, but used also transport troops to conquer the enemy.

Activator / outturn.

Ships that have the engine room in the hull where the machine is able to move the vanes (propeller) ships as a means of push / motion of the ship. Now the ship is a means of transport by sea transports power is very large compared with overland transport especially by air.

Ship definition.

The so-called ship is a form of construction that can float (floating) in water and has properties such unloading of passengers or goods that nature can motion with a paddle, wind or engine.
In the shipping terms, meaning there are ships of foreign terms are:
• SHIP called for larger vessels.
• BOAT called for small-sized vessels.
• VESSEL referred to ship large and small.
• CRAFT called for small-sized vessels.
• CARRIER also often used for ships carrying bulk goods / Bulk Carrier, wood / Log and Timber Carrier.

Barge or barges is a floating device that is the nature of the cargo can be a liquid (water or oil) or other general merchandise, usually barge is towed by a tug boat (tug boat) in this case the floating device is not the kind of ship, another case where the barge has the actuator itself eg self Propelled Barge is a form of vessel.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 24, 2014 at 09:24
Tag : History of ships.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Sunday 16 November 2014

Benefits of peanut butter to children.

The health benefits of peanut butter.
The health benefits of peanut butter in number but we usually put aside the thought that it is not healthy. There are many parents who feel that only peanut butter will cause weight gain unhealthy for the body.
Children who love the taste of creamy peanut butter is often refuse to consume them as parents do not allow them to enjoy it. However, there are some health benefits of peanut butter that may be reconsidered your idea. Healthy peanut butter because it has one of the main ingredients are peanuts are rich in protein and good carbohydrates.
Especially for children, peanut butter will give your child the natural energy that is good for them. Apart from being a source of energy for the children that it benefits them in other ways.

Some of the benefits of peanut butter you should look. If your child likes the taste of peanut butter, then you have to let them enjoy it. There are also various ways in which your child can eat delicious and healthy food.
But, first we look at the health benefits of peanut butter:


One of the major health benefits of peanut butter is helping to alleviate the problem of constipation. If your child suffers from constipation give enough peanut butter toast.

Increase Energy.

School children will require a lot of energy and the benefits of peanut butter is good for your child. Therefore, consume in the morning will help keep your baby energetic.

Improve Eyesight.

Many children wear glasses, therefore peanut butter is one of the health food rich in protein will help to cure eye problems in children. It is a slow process but heal.

Strong bones.

The health benefits of peanut butter is rich in calcium. This will help to make children strong bones.

Improve Memory.

One of the main reasons give peanut butter to children is that it helps to improve one's memory. This is a list of the best brain food for your children for consumption.

Helps Increase Appetite.

It also helps in improving your child's appetite. Peanut butter is a healthy food to increase appetite.


Whether your child is losing weight? Peanut butter has a good fat that will help to promote weight loss. However, parents should keep the drink intake.

Healthy food.

Best health benefits of peanut butter is to provide children good food. Good carbohydrates, one scallop peanut butter will provide your child with lots of healthy food.

Stomach problems.

It will also get rid of all problems such as stomach pain and diarrhea as well. The majority of children who suffer from some sort of stomach problem peanut butter will help to heal.


When your child eating peanut butter in the morning, before going to school. This will help to increase attention to learning.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 16 November 2014 at 13:20
Tag : Benefits of peanut butter to children.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM