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Wednesday 26 November 2014

Facts State China.

Bamboo curtain country, China is not a closed country like North Korea and Iran. But there, freedom can not be held to a maximum because of the many rules and regulations. Embrace the ideology of communism and also different from other countries make the Chinese do not allow their Twitter there. Finally, there was the site Weibo social networking are becoming citizens.

That's just a bit of facts about China. Still there are other facts that make you stared plus shaking his head. Curious?

Boil the eggs in Urine Men male Thus Favorite Food.

Boil the eggs in Urine Men male Thus Favorite Food.

Weirdest food you have ever eaten? Frog? Snakes? In China precisely Dongyang, favorite food there ... kinda disgusting anyway. Ie boiled eggs in the urine of boys are still young.
He does good. But do not imagine the hell that until urine water soaks into the egg?

The shirt collar pin in the Army.

The shirt collar pin in the Army.

Soldiers in China is famous for its firmness and also its commitment to defend the country until the end. This loyalty that makes the Army is always ready to fight and keep this country. One is always stood tall and always uplifted chin.

For this to happen, the soldiers are required to tuck a pin on his collar. If they lowered a little, going punctured. How terrible?

Chinese police Select Use Geese than Dog Tracker.

Chinese police Select Use Geese than Dog Tracker.

Almost all countries in the world use sniffer dogs to assist the investigation into the incident. In addition to a keen sense of smell also bloodhound able to provide more accurate guidance. But it turns out there know more reliable than dogs, that goose!

Geese have a sensitivity to sound sharper than dogs. Police in some areas in China 'commissioned' geese at checkpoints so when there is a strange noise like the occurrence of theft, it will be squawking geese and give a signal to the police where the scene. Cool huh?

Countries with high abortion rates.

Countries with high abortion rates.

To cope with the population explosion and the increasing number of human population in China, the government requires that citizens only have 1 child only. It is not easy because it could be 'conceded' to get pregnant again. It is this factor that led to the high number of abortions in the country this panda.

Carrying tens of thousands and millions of other discarded baby aborted and most are girls. Apparently in China, the family there considers if the daughter was 'useless' and they prefer boys, whereas boys who later would marry if a shortage of girls in the future?

State of the World's Worst Pollution.

State of the World's Worst Pollution.

You stay in Jakarta or other big cities in Indonesia and the air felt so dirty? Besides Indonesia, India and China also have a very severe air pollution. Even so bad, in China it is not uncommon as a thick fog covered when it was smoke pollutants that are harmful to human breathing.

Not only in China, pollution from these countries also spread to America Lho. San Francisco, the city became one of the 'victims' of pollution from China that passes through the Pacific Ocean. According to the study, one third of the pollution in SF donated from China.

Citizens Efficient Use of Money.

Citizens Efficient Use of Money.

What is the cost of your life in one day? Just tell me if you are 2 million salary would normally diplotting then one day for meals and transportation is 50 thousand dollars. Well, you will be dropped if know how much the cost of living that is required by Chinese citizens every day
100 million Chinese can live 'only' at a cost of $ 1 per day or about 12 thousand dollars only. It includes 3 meals a day and the cost of transportation. Gosh saving once.

Although the State Secular But Many Are Religious.

Although the State Secular But Many Are Religious.

China is a country that is secular and also embraced communism. But this does not mean making citizens are not religious, you know. Of the many population of 54 million of whom converted to Christianity. There is also a religion embraced Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam. Actually, the Chinese government did not issue orders to not be religious.

But unfortunately, in China is still sometimes a conflict that resulted in the religions of the oppressed or hurt. For example, assaulted, tortured and many more. Hopefully it fade away.

The Most Decisive Against Corruptor.

The Most Decisive Against Corruptor.

In Indonesia, people affected by corruption can be with a delicious piece of the detention period could even be free from the bondage of the law at all. Well, really different with China. There do not expect people who caught corruption can live peacefully and safely.

The Chinese government did not hesitate to execute criminals. Not infrequently there is the death penalty was held in one month to several times. Once there were discovered corruption, after the court proceedings immediately put to death. Wew make ya deterrent effect, whether Indonesia dare to take a step like this?

China's Got Privilege Of Google.

China's Got Privilege Of Google.

On copyright piracy and music is one of Google's concern eradicated. Now it seems almost impossible to download songs for free via the website as would normally be blocked due to piracy and crime. This is in contrast with Google China.

There, Google allows sites there to upload songs from the record label there and can be downloaded for free and free. So no need to buy or download through iTunes. Well, fruit simalakama. Which can be downloaded free of charge but the artists bite the finger.

Shanghai, The Most Jams World.

Shanghai, The Most Jams World.

Get stuck it sucks incredible. It seemed already can not stand it when I have to spend hours on the road. That's why, you better not go using a personal vehicle while on Shangkai, China. Surprisingly, there congestion length can be up to 62 miles.

Stuck for hours just awful, in Shanghai you can hit jammed up ... 12 days. Yes 12 days, imagine almost two weeks just for the sake of a trip and hit a standstill. Unbelievable.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 26, 2014 at 20:32
Tag : Facts State China.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM