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Thursday 6 November 2014

You know radishes.

Horseradish is a plant that goes to the family Cruciferae.
Horseradish is a plant that goes to the family Cruciferae. Forms of radish tubers like carrots, but the content and white skin. Radish plants originated from China, and has been widely cultivated in Indonesia. Plants are easy to grow well in lowland and mountainous.
Currently, many areas are planted radishes Pangalengan plateau, Pacet, Cipanas, and Bedugul. The area of ​​turnip plants in Indonesia is around 15,700 hectares.
Good soil to plant radishes are loose soil, containing humus (fertile), the top layer of soil that contains no gravel (small stones), and the degree of soil acidity 5-6. Suitable planting time is during the rainy season or early dry season. For planting in the dry season, the plants should be enough water.

How to planting.

Plant radishes ditumpang celery juice in Pangalengan.
Horseradish is grown from seeds. Radish seedlings do not need to be imported from abroad (imports), enough of its own grain yield because the plant is flowering and seed. The seeds can be planted directly in the garden without first sowing. For planting seeds of 1 ha is required to 5kg.
According to the theory, for an area of ​​1 ha takes 4 kg of seeds with 75% germination. Before the seeds are planted, the land to be planted were pre-processed by means of hoeing depth of 30-40 cm, then given manure or compost 10 tons / ha. After the ground leveled, made ​​groove groove spacing of 30 cm. Preferably the grooves made ​​lengthwise from west to east so that the sun into the plants to the fullest. Furthermore, the seeds were sown thinly evenly along the groove, then covered with a thin layer of soil. The seeds will grow after 4 days later.
After 2-3 weeks of age, the plants began to be weeded while made ​​mounds were made ​​by means of land along the row of plants elevated. While didangir soil, plants embroidered. In order to grow optimally, dwarf growing plant that thrives revoked and maintained.
Once embroidered, to 10-20 cm plant spacing. In general, farmers rarely give artificial fertilizers. In order obtained satisfactory results, plant radishes should be given artificial fertilizers. Artificial fertilizers need to be given is urea, TSP with a ratio of 1: 2 by 6 g per plant. Fertilizer on either side of the plant stem at a distance of 5 cm. Thus, to plant 1 ha required 100 kg of urea and 200 kg TSP. Fertilizer should be given at the time of land didangir.
Maintenance of plants.
Plant radishes important to be protected from pests that may attack aphids. These pests can be eradicated with insecticide sprays like Kelthin 0.2% or Decis 2.5 EC 0.2-0.3%.


Crop can be harvested after tuber crops are quite large, roughly 2 months old plants. Delay in harvesting will cause the bulbs become woody and it becomes uncomfortable. If this happens, turnip bulb difficult market.
Plants were maintained can produce tubers 15-20 tons / ha. There is even a type of radish that can produce a tuber weighing up to 0.5-1 kg, and taste delicious tubers.


Horseradish can be used as medicine renal impairment and fever. In addition, it can also produce mucus in the throat, so good for cough medicine. Radish tubers can be eaten raw or pickled, but are generally made ​​as a soup mix. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 06 November 2014 at 12:53

Tag : You know radishes.
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