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Wednesday 31 July 2013

Gamelan digitization

Gamelan has morphed. Not merely a musical instrument that can be seen and physically touched (tangible). Gamelan has allied with technology. Find new forms become more compact and efficient.
Some academics have made gamelan electronic devices commonly referred to as e-gamelan. One campus is so ambitious gamelan bring in new avatar it is Nuswantoro Dian University (Udinus) Semarang. E-gamelan works of Udinus Goodwill has won the race in 2010 and the Directorate General of Higher Arts ever played in Taiwan Chung Yuan Christian University, University Kebangsaan Malaysia and Indonesia Week at Orchard Road Singapore, even in the latest e-news gamelan will be played on the National Day of Resurrection Technology dated August 29, 2013 in Jakarta, in front of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
The question now is, how far e-intagible gamelan gamelan was able to replace the physical presence? Then how we should respond to it.

Unikum.Previous note that different gamelan with other instruments, especially the Western musical instruments. Gamelan music traditions as part of the archipelago, has flexibility in the selection of the tune. Thus, it is possible between a gamelan orchestra and the other has the distinction of ambitus (high-low) tone held even in the same barrel (selendro, pelog). Gamelan selendro in Surabaya, for example, tend to have a higher pitch than the gamelan selendro in Solo, Solo even own a lot going on interval difference between a gamelan gamelan with others.Whereas in Western music, the notes that there has been terbakukan (absolute). Tone Do i Automatic anywhere must have the same size. Consequently, if the tone is not appropriate or different, the tone was definitely called Fals or discordant.Gamelan has what is called a embat, the impression of the sound that emerged in the barrel. Karawitan Embat concept in Java gamelan explained that each color has a different sound disposition, larasati (masculine) and sundari (feminine). Kasunanan selendro Gamelan Kraton Solo, for example, has larasati impression when compared to the gamelan in Mangkunegaran sundari, or vice versa. The impression was able to be captured easily by people who have a high stock in playing gamelan, especially the masters. On the other hand many do not know about it.Play gamelan has its own uniqueness. Javanese gamelan society used to call it mad sinamadan, which is a condition that does not stand each other, understand, appreciate-quality sound between one and the other instruments.Bonang instrument players, for example, although the position of the front seat, may not have the loudest volume of the other.Vice versa, the player must listen Gender Trigon game because it will give you a code (ater-ater) to enter another musical ornamentation are more complex.No surprise then that many foreigners were crying when nabuh gamelan. Those who previously cencerung individual must then decomposed in the space of togetherness, respect and understand one another.Play gamelan rely depth of flavor, not merely logic. Therefore, in the history of the tradition, the orchestra is not so familiar pertitur (reading notation) should Western music. Hundreds gising (the musical) gamelan can be memorized by heart. Concentration of players entirely only on the highest musical taste quality achievement. No longer occupied with the reading that results are not able to sense the presence of other instruments game. In other words, a puppet master penggender able to produce games that amaze even while dozing off, while the musical scholar so busy concentrating on reading notation.
Even more "treasures" are not revealed in the game gamelan. The issue is can the technology to accommodate all the treasure. Therefore discuss gamelan will not be completed by just moving the tone and the barrel alone. Fierce debate even happened when gamelan music is considered as capable of presenting the spirit of nationalism.
Ki Hajar Dewantara in the 1950s looked Indonesia Raya song should not be sung in the dominance of the diatonic tones of Western music.
More precise with the gamelan. He urged the masters to transform gamelan tones of the diatonic Indonesia Raya became the pentatonic gamelan.

On the one hand, in the same span of years, the attitude in playing gamelan is deemed to be too conservative. Large-scale revolution going on, the gamelan players no longer wear kejawen (beskap and blangkon), but wearing a suit tie, leather shoes and supplied music stand or a place to put patitur like in classical music. While on the other hand there are efforts to standardize gamelan tones within the interval size and pitch are the same in every place.
Finally all that effort failed. Gamelan can not be revoked from its cultural roots. Until now, in every region have the typical style of gamelan, unique and a force that no other region. Gamelan is able to present the cultural face.
Thus the advent of e-gamelan is one attempt to become global gamelan that ought to give us high appreciation. But on the other hand instead of leaving no issue, there are some things that deserve scrutiny.
First, the height of the e-gamelan made ​​public and young people are listened to and considered gamelan played through electronic devices as a single truth, because the size of the tone, pitch has to be the same, standard, and measurable seragan. Beyond that considered Fals or discordant, while it is in there that is called only a minir gamelan, the tone of which is located between the two main tone, the tone ji (1) and ro (2) for example.
The word "between" is not exactly mention a half, but could be a quarter, eighth, sixteenth, seventh and so on.

Second, not all devices can be used as e-gamelan, Gender, for example, has a high difficulty level. How to play the instrument by using two hands, there is a concept penjarian (pithetan) that came out not overlap.
How did premises fiddle? Strings are in the game are often in the range of only a minir tones. Not to mention the issue of flavor and so, presumably it must be a separate record relating to the development of e-gamelan lately very crowded discussed by the perpetrators of technology, culture and society pengrawit.
But to be honest once again be recognized, however, e-gamelan is a new breakthrough that allows the present generation
closer to the gamelan..
The emergence of e-gamelan must also be addressed wisely so as not to be a new invention that seems able to negate the physical presence of gamelan.

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: July 31, 2013 at 15.50
Tag : Gamelan digitization.