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Showing posts with label The delivery process.. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 September 2014

The delivery process.

After containing or undergo pregnancy for 37 to 42 weeks, now came the moment that awaited and thrilling. A prospective mother should undergo labor to get the coveted baby. This process is also experienced by all of us, but of course we do not remember how it was, the event when you come out of the mother's womb. Find out, what happened to the first event in your life.

During pregnancy, the fetus stay safely in foster mothers. In this sheltered place, the fetus gets nutritious food, protected and continues to grow until finally complete fetal organs form and ready to be born. This process can continue because the cervix tightly closed so that the fetus can continue to live safely in the womb for approximately 9 months. After the completion of pregnancy, the fetus is now ready to come out of the uterus in labor.
A prospective birth mothers will, usually to begin with a sense of heartburn in the stomach caused by the movement of contraction in the muscles of the uterus. Unpleasant taste and make a sick mothers. Then, to prepare a way out for the baby, the cervix begins to thin, soften and stretch are also coupled with the enlargement of the vagina. Along with the growing of the cervix and vagina, membrane rupture and a marker, the baby should be out soon.

As an effort to encourage the baby, the uterus begins to shrink and contract that will help the baby out. Expectant mothers should also help boost the amount of power so that the baby can get out. In a normal birth, a prospective birth mother in order to push the long-awaited may occur.
Cause of shrinking and stretching uterine cervix triggered by two things. First, it produces the hormone oxytocin is produced by the brain in large amounts. The second factor is the cessation of placental progesterone so that the uterus will begin to contract and push the baby out.
After the baby out, the baby must experience a very different environment changes from the previous residence in the womb. If previous fetal lungs in the sac containing the amniotic fluid, now after birth, the baby's lungs to be filled with air to breathe. To fill his lungs with air, the baby should cry and it became the first cry decisive.
Undergoing the process of childbirth, although in a relatively short time will be a memorable experience, thrilling at the same time happy because this is the process for the baby's presence. In order to run smoothly labor, maternal health and some procedures need to be known to the prospective mother. Thus, it is important to maintain the health and eating nutritious foods to welcome your baby.

Stages of Labor Process. 

Childbirth is the most eagerly awaited by the pregnant woman, an exciting time, but on the other hand is the most thrilling. Labor feels it would be fun because the little one during the nine months of hiding in your stomach will appear born into the world. On the other hand labor also be thrilling, especially for new mothers, which imagined a painful labor, spend so much energy, and a pretty exhausting struggle.

It's good moms know the process or what stage of labor, so that the mothers can prepare everything well in order to face this labor. The delivery process is divided into four stages, namely:

First stage: Opening Stage. 

In partu (parturition start) is characterized by mucus mixed with blood, because the cervix begin to open and flat. Blood comes from the rupture of capillaries surrounding the cervical karnalis as flat and shift when the cervix is open. At this time divided into two phases, namely:
Latent phase: in which the opening of the cervix was slow, until the opening of 3 cm
Active phase: that is divided into 3 subfase ie acceleration, deceleration and steady is the longest stage, pregnancy lasts 12-14 hours to 6-10 hours for the first and subsequent pregnancies. At this stage, the cervix will be open because of the thin and regular uterine contractions to push the baby into the birth canal. At each contraction of the uterus, the baby will be pushed down, causing the opening of the birth canal. First stage of labor is called complete when the opening of the birth canal to be 10 cm, which means the perfect opening and the baby ready to come out of the womb.
This transition into the most very difficult for the mother. Toward the end of the opening of the birth canal is almost perfect. Contraction that occurs will be more frequent and more powerful. You may experience severe pain, most women who have had the feeling this is the most severe. You will feel the heartburn coming of a very great and feels like there is huge pressure downward, as if to defecate.
Towards the end of the first stage, the more frequent and stronger contractions, and when the opening of the birth canal already 10 cm means a baby ready to be born and entered the second stage of labor.

Second stage: Stage Spending baby. 

At the time of fetal spending, heartburn coordinated, stronger, faster and longer, approximately 2-3 minutes. Enter the fetal head down so that there was space pelvic pressure on the pelvic floor muscles that cause a sense of straining reflektoris. You want to feel like a bowel movement, the anus open sign. In waku straining, head of the fetus begin to appear, vulva (area outside the vagina) opening and perineum (the area between the anus-vagina) stretch. With straining guided, will be born the head followed by the entire body of the fetus.
Mother will feel strong pressure in the perineal area. Bersifa elastic perineal region, but when the doctor / midwife estimate needs to be done in the area cutting the perineum (episiotomy), then this action will be carried out with the aim to prevent tearing of the perineum due to pressure forced baby.

Birthing Process: 

What Happens In Encouraging Phase (Phase II)? 

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 27, 2014 at 14:02
Tag : The delivery process. 
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