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Showing posts with label Jilboobs phenomenon.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jilboobs phenomenon.. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Jilboobs phenomenon.

Hijab with tight clothes.
Jilboobs phenomenon, One Who? Social media such as facebook and twitter lately enlivened by accounts that publish pictures of veiled women but slinky, or known by Jilboobs. This phenomenon is becoming increasingly intense, even making many inappropriate pictures.
When writing jilboobs keywords in the search engines, it will display some phenomena related accounts jilboobs. The names are used mostly Jilboobs account terms leads to nasty smells. Once opened these accounts there are some photos that do not deserve even seem obscene.

What exactly is the fashion world this new phenomenon? 

Jilboobs basically is a term for the style of clothing the women who wear a hijab head covering but showed a bulge in the chest region. This happens because the woman is wearing a dress with long sleeves, but tight or tend to form curves. In addition, the model used is also a short veil, and only reached the top of the chest, or do not cover the chest. Tops are usually combined with a translucent skirt subordinates, leggings or tight jeans. This phenomenon would cause controversy, especially when circulating a Facebook account specifically carry pictures of the jilboobs users.

Increasingly Trend on FB and Youtube, reap Jilboobs Community Outcry. 

difference close the genitalia and genitalia bind.

Remove the MUI Fatwa Haram Jilboobs For Muslimah
More and Dilated Jilboobs term is Insult to the Jilbabers
This phenomenon also attracted the attention of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). MUI even plans to discuss the fashion industry jilboobs currently being phenomenal in Indonesia. MUI, Mustafa Musleh said it has not been studied in depth related to Muslim fashion that accentuates the chest.
"That which has not been studied well, usually when there is input, we say in Conggress. Yeah, will be presented at a meeting later on jilboobs," he said at the Gallery Cafe Park Lane Jakarta, Wednesday (06/08/2014).
Jilboobs term itself emerged from the term hijab and boobs or female breast. Jilboobs veiled dress style but still show indentations chest, buttocks, and stomach them.
wow, what is this?
Many of the comments that appeared on fb and twitter account jilboobs. Many of them criticized it out the photos circulating as well as the perpetrators of the owner of the photo. Meanwhile others comment that the defense pitched.
The proliferation of women use the hijab in public spaces make fashion trends shifted. There are some who claim this jilboobs style hijab because hijab is still learning to find a model suitable. There also chose this style because of the demand that appears to be a good woman. It is driven fashion industry is also encouraging the development of models jilboobs. And no less important are veiled styles of celebrities that are often used as a model by the general public.

Facts to Know About Jilboobs phenomenon. 
wow, what is this?

The term jilboobs increasingly trendy lately. Jilboobs phenomenon seems to be a Muslim woman punches style appearance. Hijab is intended to cover the nakedness turned out to be a blunder for Muslim women when they wear clothes that are too tight. Some facts behind the phenomenon jilboobs.

Had Preceded lepet term hijab. 

In the middle of the term jilboobs fame among the public at this time, there is actually a term related to the use of the hijab sexy first known to the public. Namely Hijab lepet. If jilboobs more highlights form leotards worn by the jilbabers, further highlighting the veil lepet pants.
Many users who wear hijab tight jeans. Naturally, if people call with the headscarf lepet. Referring to the word leupeut (in Sundanese) or lepet (in Javanese). Lepet is one of the traditional cake made ​​from glutinous rice.

Fishing Comments from KPAI. 

In a commentary posted Seconds (6/8), Asrorun Niam urged industry players that do not open the door of criminality associated with the birth of jilboobs style hijab style.
"Do not contribute to increasing crime by design clothing worn but still exploit curves. Wearing clothes but like naked, "he said.
Talk crowded Designer Clothes
Connect as the tongue of what is said Asrorun Niam, the designers also related fenomena jilboobs spoke. Some designers lamented jilboobs clad models who are trying to look fashionable but rather tarnish the basic principles of Islam. Jilboobs phenomenon it really is against the rules and should not be imitated.
Hijab is not about trends but just went along with it the obligation to cover the nakedness according to religious teachings.
Start Tenar After Month of Ramadan
Although there is no definite history, but the phenomenon jilboobs began to boom after the month of Ramadan this year. Seen from the proliferation-related comments jilboobs both online media social media would also dated the beginning of August 2014.

Used Ordinary The Newbie 

Jilboobs be a bridge for Muslim women who want to learn to wear a headscarf. Encouraged want to still look fashionable, the newbie can not veiled by wearing loose clothes.

The rise of Impact Modified Shirt Muslimah 

Modification of Muslim fashion lately brings a lot of positive value. One is the approach of Muslim women with headscarves. Of which were initially reluctant to wear the veil, finally willing to wear it. However, in the midst of the development of Muslim clothing, appeared little danger in the form of jilboobs.
Creativity in making new models sometimes lead to a misguided sense of privacy for Muslim closes.

The Artist Also Wearing Jilboobs 

Not only the general public who dressed jilboobs. However, some artists homeland also seen wearing a hijab with tight clothes in the chest.
Veil is not just to cover the head, but if it is still tight subordinates alike. This is not taught how to dress like a Muslim, Allah desired.

MUI Fatwa Haram 

Reinforce the comments related jilboobs religious leaders, the MUI issued a ban on veiled but still using the clothes are not polite.
"It is about MUI fatwa pornography. Including it should not show the forms of the body, wear hijab but slinky. MUI strictly forbids it, "said Vice Chairman of the MUI, KH Ma'ruf Amin on Thursday (08/07/2014).
"Then the partially close the genitals, some still showing the sensual forms, it is forbidden," he continued to reinforce.

Which Jilboobs that Selfie 

Typically, the Muslim women who wear clothing diligent jilboobs upload their pictures on social media. They want to show off their Muslim clothing to the public. Homeland celebrities also often upload their pictures when try to slice.

Still on Jilboobs, Fanpage Losing Essence Early goal. 

It's really a lot that must be addressed. In the midst - the middle of a political discussion about the unfinished, the current news about ISIS rife with all the dangers. Not quite with it all, this is a trend recently among jilboobs phenomenon of social networking, there's even a make a fanpage on social media and categorized them into the community.

Jilboobs itself refers to the use of the veil is not Islamic Shari'a compliant. In other words, still spit part - the part that is visible, both front and rear. Indulgence by way of wearing tight clothing and dreamy so that the curves were clearly visible. At least that is always spoken of by some people. So, I feel no need to explain too long on understanding jilboobs. Everyone has their point of view - each.

At first the author was not interested to discuss this because the author is not personally judge that what was done was appropriate Islamic Shari'a, what to wear is clothing Shar'ie. It still continues to be studied and sought to be a better person.
But, over time, it feels hot and eager expression. Encouragement is actually the author obtained not from women - women who are categorized into the ranks of actors jilboobs (that's what I see in the fanpage), but from the comments - comments some people who read so spicy, even to deride or busy - busy gossiping women concerned .
Not only with the sexy ladies scarf, but also with the comments - comments "spicy" and lowered good that comes from men and not infrequently also of fellow women. That is my biggest concern in this regard.
I know it was made and the purpose fanpage comments - comments that most of the "spicy" was to remind women to go back to wearing the hijab especially should or should. But the unfortunate addition to comments that are unethical, is why photos - photos uploaded to the fanpage is not in the sensor or make a blur effect. It is not possible long - will long be argued that the fanpage was created for entertainment or satisfying desires fanpage owners and other men. This is clearly abuse and irregularities in the name of the woman even the veil. Well, is not so lose the essence and deviated from the original purpose anyway.
Commenting is something that is very easy to do, no need to bother - bother spending a lot of energy. Demanding no less easy to comment. Many people who prefer demanding than required. Not what - what. It was commonplace and humane. But it is good we can be smarter in demand as well as leave a comment, do filter the word - the word that we spend. Word - the word is one of the important part of knowing the character of a person. Best - well admonish or remind is that it does not hurt other people's feelings.
And for the women who had been veiled but not according to what it should be, should be transformed by wearing better clothes.
Sure a Muslim already know what kind of clothing in accordance with Islamic Shari'a. You definitely do not want this to happen again and see photos - your photos are scattered in a way that is not good until eventually abused.
As a woman should always be vigilant because of pornography and porno-action affairs, women who have always been the object. If you are careless in your genitalia veiling, the man who can not veiling his mind will easily provoked, either as free as possible by taking our pictures, we blasphemous words - words that are not reasonable, and that in front behind the blasphemous but instead looked happy (who like this also exist). I did not mean to govern. I would rather say this is an invitation because as I said earlier that I was far from Shar'ie.
What I write is not to take sides or pro to anyone, any party. Not at all to judge who is right and who is wrong. Absolute truth belongs only to God Almighty.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 23, 2014 at 11:17
Tag : Jilboobs phenomenon.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM