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Showing posts with label Gold producing countries.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gold producing countries.. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Gold producing countries.

Gold ingot.
Gold is the stuff that has incredible charm. Gold can increase social status in society. Besides, gold prices tend to rise each year the main attraction for the people, they can save money without the burden of administration, but its growing every year like flowers given bank. Not surprisingly, the demand for gold in the world continues to increase.

These countries include :


Muratu gold mine in the Kyzylkum Desert in downtown Uzbakistan is the reason Uzbekistan in the list of gold producing country in the world. This mine produced 90 tonnes of gold / year. Estimated reserves Uzbakistan has 2,100 tons of gold reserves.


Indonesia also has one of the largest gold mines in the world, Papua gold mine in Grasberg, Batu Hijau, Seven Hills, Hertzberg centered in the province of Papua. Indonesia, on average produces about 100 tonnes of gold / year.


Ghana is one of the countries that its land is rich in minerals in the African continent. Annual gold production reached 100 tons / year. The number of its gold production is increasing every year.


Red Lake gold mine in Ontario is the largest gold mine in Canada. Accounted for 50% of Canada's gold production annually. Canadian gold production reached 110 tons of gold / year.


Gold production in Peru reached 150 tons / year. The biggest contributor of the Lagunas Norte whose production reached 23 ton / year, as well as from other cities, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Apurimac, and Arequipa.

South Africa.

South Africa is the country's largest gold producer on the African continent. Annual gold production reached 190 tons / year, while the gold reserves reached 49,000 tons. The main gold mines in the Witwatersrand Basin are Archaen.


The average Russian produce as much as 200 tons of gold / year, with its gold reserves reached 7,200 tons of gold. Gold mining is concentrated in Chutka, Olympiada, Voro and Khabarovsk.

United States.

Total gold production annual average of 237 tons / year, mostly in getting from mines in Montana and Nevada Desert.


Australian average produce as much as 270 tonnes of gold / year. The biggest gold producer is concentrated in Western Australia, South Australia and New South Wales. While the biggest gold reserves in the Super Pit, Kalgoorlie, Telfer, Agnew, Boddington and Sunrise Dam.


China's average gold production reached 360 tons / year. Five provinces are the biggest contributor to gold in Shandong, Henan, Jiang Xi, Fujian and Mongolia. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 11, 2015 at 11:27
Tag : Gold producing countries.
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