Friendship or relationship in everyday language becoming a "social obligation", which accompanies the arrival of Eid, after the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan is full.
Indeed, the relationship is not something that has special execution time. Therefore, it is a doctrine (ethics) that Islam should be the agenda every time.
Corresponding meaning, connecting cords of affection.
However, in the tradition of our homeland, gathering a very special social themes on Eid. That happens for several reasons: First, the Ramadan fasting we feel have terbersihkan from sin to God (haqqullah, so be refined to show Greetings to cleanse themselves of sin among men (haqqunnas).
The second reason, at the moment there is Eid al-Fitr holiday which allows the length of each visit and met a large family, who may have been separated by distance and time are fitted to each other met.
Besides the two reasons there actually was one more reason that is rarely mentioned, namely complement rohaniyah relationship we've always done in the prayer and prayer, the physical relationship between a servant of God.
We sometimes forget that in prayer we often greet and pray for the safety of all the righteous servants of Allah (especially in tahiyyat prayer).
In prayer we often pray for forgiveness for all Muslims and believers either still alive or had died.
Gathering this kind rohaniyah actually necessitates us to always do good and spread mercy to them with love, affection and rescue.
Not spread anathema to insult, berate and humiliate others.
Existence jasmaniyah relationship with each other and forgive this visit which then has to complete gathering place rohaniyah above.
In the teachings of Islam, the relationship has value and meaning are very great. Virtuous values is crushers bulkhead social media is often a wall of separation between each other. This is both a fuser hatred, jealousy and revenge.
With silaturhmi it anyway, all good taste will be converted automatically into love, harmony, friendship and brotherhood.
Naturally, if the relationship became one of the three acts that called the Prophet as a noble character, in addition to forgiveness and charity.
If the two kinds of relationship is realized perfectly in the reality of a society, can we imagine how wonderful the life of the nation.
Gathering in the conception of Islam is not intended that all people are alike in all respects.
With the relationship, they are able to understand each other and appreciate all the differences that exist.
Furthermore, of each other to make it more beautiful life filled with all the differences. Differences in the level of economic, social stratification, and political choice is a natural one.
However, one should realize that we are all human beings who have the heart and dignity that should be happy and appreciate each other.
Society portraits during the Prophet migrated to Medina is the perfect portrait of a livable mirror. The rich and the poor, the old and the young, the immigrants (muhajirin) and the native (Ansar), have the same glorious position along remained steadfast in commitment.
It is undeniable that the implementation of a genuine relationship takes courage to kill myself selfishness. From here we can learn bowed, contemplating the rights, interests and dignity of others.
Not surprisingly, if then God gives the reward (reward) for their outstanding performer relationship. Qur'an guarantee them as experts heaven.
While the prophetic traditions to ensure their long life and a lot of luck. About assurance that heaven is God's prerogative and it was later proven in the netherworld. Gathering the wisdom of extending the life and improving the course of provision of scientific research has been done.
According to many studies, people who had close ties within a community has the possibility of a longer life than those who are always alone.
People are individualistic, selfish and isolate themselves from social interaction potentially positive mental disease.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 08, 2013 at 20:51
Code: 42S4EUXRR3UM.
Tag : Connecting rope of affection.