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Showing posts with label Black magic and white magic.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black magic and white magic.. Show all posts

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Black magic and white magic.

Black magic and white magic is a supernatural lessons about mastering the things that are irrational or born outside the human mind. In this case is the study of matters relating to the world of the occult or secret nature. For example dreamy science, the science of pellets, the science of hypnosis and so on.

In general, science is divided into two, namely black magic and white magic. Which gives the label of black magic and white magic are the general public, not God and not the owner of the science itself.
Black magic is occult sciences are studied in ways that deviate from the rules of religion and the general public and used to deceive others. For example, the science of black magic, witchcraft and the like. People abroad have called black magic.
Black magic is a science that involves working with the help of evil spirits or demons. Science is usually used to do evil that is harming others or harming others.
While white is the science of the occult sciences studied in ways that do not deviate from the rules of religion and the general public and tend to be used to do good, even white magic can also be used to do evil.
Science is a science that is considered white gets blessing from the almighty. Science can be the help of good spirits or in the form of excess grace of the almighty. For example, the intercession of the saints, miracles of the prophets, and the like sciences possessed by ordinary people.
But there are also those who argue that it is not science but the same color, no black magic and white magic because everything comes from God. In my opinion, this opinion is based solely on the origin of science alone, and all knowledge is derived from the power of God.
However, based on the ways to obtain the knowledge and ways to use it, eventually people classify them as a class of black magic and white magic, although any kind of real knowledge comes from God.

Tip accessing the subconscious energy. 

Super consciousness, or inner strength of our mind, or magic power of our mind, or the mind of the natural greatness resides in the human subconscious.
Because of this, many books that discuss writing west mystery man supernatural powers, generally called it the Power of the Subconscious
If the reader ever seen a variety of views about hypnotism on television, that's a bit of proof that the human subconscious that keep a very great potential for use to a wide range of interests, including hypnoterapi.
Hypnoterapi usually practiced by those who have studied the theory and practice of hypnotisme.
Hypnoterapi usually used to treat people affected psykhosomatis, such as trauma and severe damage dipresi so paralyzed body physiology, heart disease, stroke and so on.
Energy used by the therapist that hypnotherapy is a conscious force, which has then flowed / in imbaskan to the hospital to explore and evoke the power of the unconscious patient.
So actually treat patients adi psykhosomatis is aware of his own power that raised by the therapist as a hypnotherapist.
Without having the power of the subconscious, sipasien will not heal. Just as humans have white blood cells to anti-body. Medication from a doctor, for example, antibiotics, will not be helpful if people do not have the white blood cells.
We can access, generate and harness the power of conscious adi / strength of our subconscious in the following way:
1.   First the reinforced our faith and devotion to God and her principled. We worship him late to him that we ask for help, so they do not drag the devil at the time of contemplation / meditation. For Muslims, do wird Alfatihah as much as possible, at least 9 times in particular as he took in the meaning of the verses (interpretation of its first learn, memorize and permeates means).
2.   Do breathing exercises triangle, ie close your eyes, breathe slowly from your nose 9 counts; close your eyes, hold your breath and hold the ninth count of the stomach, close your eyes breath slowly release the 9 count, while sitting cross-legged, back straight, do the repetitive cycle stages and continues nonstop ranging from 3 minutes, 6 minutes, 9 minutes and so on, could.
3.   Do exercises contemplation / meditation with the supine position on the bed, all the clothes are loosened, quiet place. For Muslims, read the letter silently Alfatihah 9 times while absorbed its meaning, as the magical castle against demonic interference that may drag us during meditation. While wird Alfatihah, concentration-the senses to the second heart sound and vibration throughout the heart and blood vessels behind. If it feels, concentrate on the blood of the heart murmur throughout the body. If it was, do everything possible relaxation of a few minutes. If it fell asleep, not what. Do this exercise about 30-60 minutes once the exercise. Do it at least once a week.  Do it at least once a week.
4.   If the above process is smooth, start to test our conscious access adi premises to provide suggestions or orders to our conscious adi at bedtime. The trick is that we have done as above contemplation, commanded adi aware that we were awakened at 2 am or 3 nights, we sat asleep on. If your process is good practice contemplation and true, then surely you will wake up in the night suit your message. If it is awakened, immediately do prayer tahajud, giving thanks to God. God means you are allowed to have a license to start surfing the world of metaphysics, having fun enjoying the greatness of Allah SWT.
5.   After performing such tests repeatedly, start ordering adi conscious ability to generate Motion Sense. Ie move your limbs and senses, by the power of the subconscious, not orders left and right brain. Start by ordering your hands move on their own, vibrating, massaging etc.. When it is smooth, start your own command to treat pain, such as hand massage head told you that headache or body aches. If it is smooth, you will feel strange that your hands can stir yourself treat your illness, but you never learned massage.
6.   If all the above is smooth, started to experiment further and thrilling. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 21, 2014 at 17:52
Tag : Black magic and white magic.
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