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Sunday, 11 January 2015

The most deadly animals.

Turtles Alligators.

Turtles Alligators.This predator is the largest freshwater turtle in North America, which can weigh up to 100 kg or more, and live in lakes, rivers and swamps. Although his body is equipped with powerful jaws and sharp claws, this creature tortoise animal remains, and not be able to catch their prey quickly. Instead, he used a hunting technique very similar to that of the pit viper Cantil.
This animal moves in the water, it looks like a harmless stone with wide-open jaws. His tongue had extra meat that looks like a worm, and turtles can move about the meat to make it look like worms.


Anglerfish.Anglerfish is a kind of deep-sea fish, is widely known for his performances were terrible and bizarre reproductive habits. They are also the most famous fish of all predators who use the lure technique. Interestingly, only female who has an antenna, the antenna is actually the spines protruding from the back over the mouth of a fish as a fishing rod. At the end of the spine there is an organ like a glowing ball that contains bacteria that can produce blue-green light that is similar to the fireflies.
When fish or other invertebrates captivated, anglerfish swallow it whole, stomach and bones are very flexible which allows the fish can eat prey up to 2 times the size of his body.

Air-tentacles snake

Air-tentacles snake.Tentacles snake found in Southeast Asia and the eastern parts are mostly aquatic species that eat fish. His most famous feature is the strange fleshy tentacles at the muzzle.
The tentacles are actually very sensitive sensor, which allows the snake to detect movement in the water and attack any fish swimming nearby. Another interesting trait is the speed of this snake that strikes with tentacles are incredible, it takes only 15 milliseconds for the snake to catch its prey.

Green Stork

Green Stork.Green heron known like small objects dropped onto the surface of the water, hope there is a small fish that deceived who thought that the object is food, then this heron quickly catch unsuspecting victims. Not all green heron using this technique, but they are becoming very talented, and they are even experimenting with different types of bait.
Some storks ever seen stealing bread because he never saw people feeding the ducks in the pond by using bread as bait. Another Stork known to catch small fish but not to be eaten, but are used as bait for larger fish.
Some experts believe that they learn from humans, while others think that their own learning by observing how small fish will investigate small objects or animals that fall into the water. This behavior is not intuitively obvious, which makes this very green heron may be the most intelligent predator.


Coati.Coati females and young males living in large groups, while adult males often live alone. They are renowned for their intelligence, and although they mostly eat worms, eggs, fruits and insects, they armed large fangs and claws are strong and sometimes able to hunt larger animals.
According to some accounts, one of the favorite foods coati is a green iguana. Big lizard is often found in the tree, so coati prepared using teamwork to hunt them. Some Coati climb trees and scare iguana that jumped to the ground, and the other coatis quickly catch them. Iguana is instinctively programmed to jump to the ground whenever they feel threatened. That's what makes these simple tricks coati be very effective.

Fireflies Photuris

Fireflies Photuris.Fireflies not true flies, they include Coeleoptera order, they beetles. They are famous for their ability to produce light. Most fireflies use their light to communicate with each other, most of the other is to attract a mate.
Photinus females have very short wings and can not fly, but males can. During mating season, male Photinus fly above the ground and radiate flicker to attract females. Females are on the ground watching Photinus males and respond by blinking light as well. Then enter Photuris fireflies. This creature spied Photunis and females of the species mimic their patterns flashing to attract male fireflies so as not suspicious. When the male fireflies down to the ground preparing to marry, they are quickly attacked and eaten by Photuris fireflies.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 11, 2015 at 12:52
Tag : The most deadly animals.
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