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Thursday, 2 October 2014

History of angklung worldwide.

There is no definite source that says the beginning of the emergence of musical instruments typical of West Java.  But no doubt that the musical instrument angklung is an Indonesian culture hundreds of years old. The oldest known angklung contained in Jasinga, Bogor, West Java, which is estimated around 400 years old. The oldest is called angklung angklung Gubrag.Tak only in West Java, this instrument is also found in several regions in Indonesia such as Bali, Madura and Kalimantan.

Angklung began known by the public at the time of the Sunda kingdom. It used to serve as an encouragement at a time of war. This continues until the colonial era in Indonesia nation's natural.

The music in it was largely inspired from Nyai Sri Pohaci (goddess of rice) or often called Goddess Giver of Life. Because the myths that developed in the community first and then the artists create a kind of poetry and song as a tribute to Sri Nyai Pohaci through this angklung art.

At the time of emergence, the actual musical instrument Angklung is regarded as sacred because of its presence to accompany Spells - spells that in alunkan when certain rituals. This changed since 1938, Angklung Daeng Soetigna creates an underlying Diatonic sound. Since then Angklung be closer to the arts than the field of mystical and occult.

Gradually Angklung was known all over the world. Recognition of the existence of a musical instrument Angklung first recognized by a great musician from Australia namely Igor Hmel Nitsky on tahun1955. Angklung is growing even today. Recorded a world record playing angklung been created in Beijing, China through events organized by the Embassy involving 5,393 participants in the Beijing Workers' Stadium.

How Playing Angklung Musical Instrument Technique. 

At least there are two of the most common ways of playing a musical instrument angklung, namely the vibrated and beaten (dashed tolled or centok). Here are presented some of the techniques that can be used to play angklung well.

Angklung thrilling. 

Angklung is vibrated in the long rung with the appropriate value of the tone being played.

Dotted ring a, Beaten (Centok). 

Angklung is not vibrated, it struck the tip of the tube base (horizontal) by his right hand to produce centok (like the sound of blows). It is useful to play a short tune as a sign of pizzicato music.


Angklung is pronounced with a long pulsed tones are played according to the value, but not as small tubes usually covered by one finger left hand so it does not sound (which sounds just great tube only). It is intended that can be produced more subtle tones within their music needs to be played (eg to mark the dynamics of the piano).


As presented by the teacher Mr. Daeng Angklung diatonic Soetigna, then it is advisable to ring tone angklung is disconnected. This is done with the following techniques: if there are two notes played consecutively, so that the audible tone is sounded disconnected it first sounded slightly longer than the value of its tone, so that when the second tone starts playing, the first tone still sounds a little, so that the strains of the tune sounds disconnected and not drop out.

Dynamics (loud and soft). 

As per the needs of the song, angklung can be played softly (piano) over loud (forte). It is recommended for both types of dynamics should be the frequency of vibrations per second angklung remain the same in number, whereas different is the distance angklung swing by the right hand which in turn will determine the amplitude of vibration and cause hard or softly lnada played.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
Bambang Sunarno name.
DatePublished: October 2, 2014 at 11:17
Tag : History of angklung worldwide. 
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM