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Saturday, 27 September 2014

Toward Sex Baby Gifts.

Sex during pregnancy has been often avoided by many couples because there are certain fears. Some fear it could hurt the baby, there is a fear of the baby heard the father-mother, some are afraid can transmit the infection to the baby. In fact, there are midwives and obstetricians who actually suggested that the prospective father and mother to sexual intercourse before the day of birth.

How to deal? 

Dr. Suririnah, in his book entitled Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth Smart said, that in essence, sexual intercourse or orgasm is safe for the baby in the womb and will not hurt the baby. In the womb, the baby's position naturally protected by the mucous membrane that covers the birth canal, the membrane, too, who are trying to protect him from germs into the uterus. Plus, the baby in the womb would have been in the womb sac containing the amniotic fluid that protect it during pregnancy.
However, there are times, when a pregnant woman having sex, cramping in the abdomen or uterus. According to dr. Suririnah, this is normal. During orgasm, there will be a contraction of the uterus and will feel hard for several minutes. According to him, this happens because it is part of an orgasm and not necessarily a sign of problems in the unborn baby.
That said, it is suggested that the diligent father "looked" the baby to help "pave the way" of the child. Is it true? According to dr. Suririnah, semen contains prostaglandins which can cause uterine contractions and gave way.

According to research conducted by Jonathan Schaffir, MD, of Ohio State University Medical Center, sex in late pregnancy in women with normal or low-risk pregnancy does not cause birth process becomes faster. The delivery process only occurs when the baby is ready to be born. It is recommended, if indeed there are still concerns, the use of condoms can be done.
However, there are two types of sexual behavior that is not safe to do during pregnancy, namely;
a)  Blowing air into the vagina during oral sex, because it can cause air embolism. Air embolism is a blockage in the blood vessels due to air bubbles. This could endanger the mother and her baby.
b)  When there is a sexually transmitted disease in one or both parents. When a pregnant woman is infected, the disease can be transmitted to the baby and can be very dangerous.
Call your doctor if there is still doubt and find unusual symptoms after or during sexual intercourse, such as pain, continuous contraction with or without discharge. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 27, 2014 at 17:52
Tag : Toward Sex Baby Gifts.
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