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Saturday 24 August 2019


Orion is one of the well-known constellations. Orion constellation boundaries drawn in dotted yellow line.
A constellation of stars or constellation is a group of stars that appear to form a special configuration. In three-dimensional space, most of the stars that we observe not have relationships with each other, but can be seen as a group on the ball of the night sky. Humans have a very high ability to recognize patterns and throughout history have grouped the stars that appear close together into constellations. The composition is not an official constellation, which is widely known by the public but are not recognized by astronomers or the International Astronomical Association, also called asterism. The stars in the constellation or asterism rarely have a relationship astrophysics; they just happen to be appear close together in the sky visible from Earth and is usually very far apart.
Grouping the stars into constellations is actually quite random, and different cultures would have different constellations, although some are very easily recognizable usually often found, such as Orion or Scorpius.
International Astronomical Association has divided the sky into 88 official constellations with clear boundaries, so that every direction is only owned by one constellation only. In the hemisphere (hemisphere) to the north, most of the star constellation is based on the Greek tradition, passed down through the Middle Ages, and it contains the symbols of the Zodiac.
Various other patterns that do not officially exist together with constellations and called asterism, such as Pirates (also known in the USA as the Big Dipper) and Little Dipper

Chinese constellations.

Chinese constellations are the way of Chinese in the grouping of stars. This grouping is very different from the official grouping known today. This grouping is based on the development of the science of astronomy in the days of Ancient China. Observers at the time of Ancient China grouping the stars into 31 areas, called Three Limits (Three Enclosures, 三 垣, San Yuan) and Twenty Eight Big House (Twenty-eight Mansions, 二十八宿, Ershíbā Xiu). Three Limitations include areas close to the North Pole sky. The stars are located in this area will be visible throughout the year. Twenty Eight Big House covers an area of ​​the zodiac in the sky. Zodiac is the same as that of the 12 zodiac western astronomy. Unlike the western astronomy, Twenty Eight Big House reflects the movement of the Moon. Three Limitations and Twenty Eight Great Houses were then divided into 23 asterisms. Every star that looks set to be included into one of the asterisms asterisms and some have only one star.  Traditionally, a star named with its asterism combination with numbers.

Three Limitations.

Three Limitation Limitation consists of the Forbidden Purple (Purple Forbidden Enclosure, 紫微 垣, Zǐ Wei Yuan), palace limit the Supreme (Supreme Palace Enclosure, 太微 垣, Tai Wei Yuan) and Market Limitations in the Sky (Heavenly Market Enclosure, 天市 垣, Tian Shi Yuan). Limitation of the Forbidden Purple covers most of the northern part of the area in the sky. Based on the views of Ancient China, the Forbidden Purple limits are in the middle area of ​​the sky and surrounded by other stars.
Limitation of the Highest Palace is located in the east and north of the Forbidden Purple limits, while the Market Limits in the Sky is located in the west and south. Three limitations of each bounded by a "wall" where asterism with various shapes representing his name.

Star Mapping in China.

Ancient Chinese astronomers at the time of giving names to the stars that can be seen systematically, about 1000 years before Johann Bayer do it the same way. Essentially, every star was placed on an asterism, then added a number / numbers behind it, so the formula is the "name of the asterism" + "number / number". Giving figures / numbers does not depend on the magnitude of magnitude as was done by Johann Bayer, but rather to its position in the asterism.
For example, Altair 河鼓 二 given name in Chinese, is 河鼓 asterism its name (which means drum in the River). 二 is a given number (meaning "two"). Then it became "second star constellation / asterism Drum on the river".
But some stars are given names based on mythology and astrology. Like the example above, Altair also known as 牛郎星 or 牵牛星 (star rider Cow) in Chinese language, based on mythology riders Cow and Girl Weaver (one of the Chinese mythology). The star naming system also applies to the period of modern China. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 24, 2014 at 20:40
Tag : Constellations.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Saturday 2 January 2016

Increased condom sales.

 The male condom.
New Year is celebrated in all directions, almost all the places to hold events to enliven the turn of the year. Fireworks and blow the trumpet mengema habits along the way and crowded places.

Parties and such events seemed to be something that is hard to pass up. Many members of the community then dissolve and take part in a fanfare welcome the new year.

Such festivities also indirectly affect the velocity of money. Beberpa commodities increased sales leading up to and during the New Year party took place.

Call it the seasonal trumpet traders. They can reap abundant fortune when the end of this kind, as well as its craftsmen. Oset or even their production climbed dozens of times at the end of the year.

Even so with the seller firecrackers and fireworks. This thing sort of thing 'mandatory' that must exist at the turn of the year. Wherever there are always fireworks, either massive or just one or two fireworks that ignited a person.

But, besides trumpets and fireworks, was reported by that in Yogyakarta condoms has also increased its sales before the turn of the year party.

From mentioned if Lisna, guard pharmacy in Jalan Kaliurang, Sleman, said that since this afternoon, condom sales increased two times from the normal days.

"There is an increase was not unusual for a new year. Saturday night, a long weekend and Valentine also usually increases, "said Lisna, Thursday (12/31/2015)

Although there is a surge in demand, Lisna pleaded not add to the stock they sell.

"Spending that there used to be. This alone may not be discharged. If sold may be up to 30 boxes, "said Lisna.

Not only pharmacies are manned by Lisna are experiencing an increase in condom sales. Sales of condoms in the mini market is also surging. What's more colorful.

"The young people buy a lot of it. There are also adults. If the new year like this is so, there must be an increase in sales, "said Rubi, guard minimarket, reported from

Increase in condom sales in the minimarket where Rubi work has been going on since yesterday. He said it was also due to the long holidays and many tourists who come to Yogyakarta.

It can not be concluded that condom users are couples who do free sex, but the kind of momentum the new year is often the scene of fun, especially for couples young couple who are romantic couple.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Published Date: January 2, 2016 at 14:00
Tag : Increased condom sales.

Types of potent drugs.

The world has many experts investigate a wide range of medicines for people who are in need of treatment. The types of drugs that have also been produced and has been circulated throughout the world for the treatment needed by hospitals and patients.

The types of drugs a powerful healer.

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
Treating Addiction, Treatment for Depression and Stopping Headaches
Many people know in the 50's and 60's, the government experimented with LSD for testing warfare agents, but few people know that mental health professionals are also interested in the experiment.

Study in the fifties showed that use of LSD to treat alcoholism result in a 50% success rate-shocking compared with 10% success rate of the treatment method for other alcoholics.

Scientists in Baltimore recently conducted the study again to see how effective LSD for use in treating alcoholics, sedatives, opium and heroin.

In the Spring Grove State Hospital in Maryland, researchers gave patients with acute cancer of LSD to see if it can help reduce their anxiety about death. One third of the patients said they felt dramatically reduced tension, depression, fear of death and morbidity. Another third reported this condition is quite reduced and the last group said their condition had not improved at all, but it also does not deteriorate.

LSD is also used for psychotherapy during the sixties. A study in the British doctors who treat their patients with the drug showed a majority of them believe the substance is effective and safe in treating the patient. This drug also proved to be an effective pain relief for chronic pain.

Even at the lower dose level psychedelic, LSD was found to be at least as effective as opiates and much more durable.
More recently, Harvard Medical School interviewed cluster headache patients who used LSD to treat their condition and seven of the eight said their headache subsides and help put them in relief.

Continuing this research, a study at McLean Hospital found that 53 patients with cluster headache who take LSD or magic mushrooms one reported a beneficial effect and that the quantity of the drug can be well below the psychedelic doses to be effective

Psychedelic Mushrooms

Psychedelic Mushrooms.
Treating Cluster Headaches and OCD. The psyclobin found find magic mushrooms that have similar effects to LSD, especially when for the treatment of chronic headache. Just like acid, the amount is too small to provide the psychedelic effects still can relieve pain and reduce the frequency of headaches. This drug also shows promise for treating OCD.

A University of Arizona study showed that those with the condition that their headaches may subside temporarily and in one patient, cured his headache lasted for six months.

While the researchers admit the study does not necessarily prove that the drug can serve as a treatment, they only say this is quite promising for further study.


Reduces Anxiety, Eases Parkinson's Symptoms and Treatment for PTSD. The chemical compound that makes MDMA ecstasy so wonderful for party devotee may also be useful in treating anxiety disorders.

While formal studies have not been conducted, a psychologist from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology found when combined with immersion therapy, the drug's ability to release oxytocin levels can make the drug MDMA are ideal for use as a complete treatment program.

They say, "MDMA has a combination of pharmacological effects that, in a therapeutic setting, could provide a balance of activating emotions while, a sense of security and control."

This drug may also be able to treat Parkinson's disease through the release of serotonin levels in the brain. While researchers still do not understand how the treatment works, have proven effective in studies using mice and a Parkinson's sufferer, a former stuntman Tim Lawrence, which has shown significant improvement in his condition.

He was able to do somersaults and rolled shortly after taking a dose of medication. Previously he could not move at all

Victims of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) also showed a positive response to treatment involving ecstasy. Psychologists who study and therapy using MDMA find the drug gives them a window of time in which patients experience a little fear and adequate responses can handle a very important therapy to work through their condition

Cocaine and Coca Plant.

Cocaine and Coca Plant.
A new Drugs, laxatives, and as Drug Motion Sickness
Long before the rock star started doing cocaine addict ', cocaine once widely touted as a miracle drug that can be used to cure everything from headaches to alcoholism for acute fever.

While modern medicine has found a much safer treatment for most of these conditions, the drug is still sometimes used as a topical anesthetic for the eyes, nose and throat surgery.

Has recently also been used as a topical treatment applied to those who suffer from chronic severe headaches.

Although scientists have been widely accepted that the use of cocaine in the medical field is proportional to the risk, the same does not apply to the coca plant, where cocaine is derived.

Unlike cocaine, plant contains several alkaloids (cocaine is made of only one) and are vulnerable to abuse, because it must be consumed within the rules.

Research on the medical uses of coca leaf is somewhat limited, but the Andean cultures have used coca leaves for medicinal purposes for centuries.

An American doctor, Andrew Weil, believes this culture may be on to something and show that the coca leaf may be able to treat motion sickness, sore throat, constipation and obesity.


One Of The Greatest Pain Relief in the World. Such as cocaine, heroin's effects once touted to be a miracle to heal.

Although well-known dangers of the drug, especially a tendency to abuse, the drug is still one of the most effective treatments and safest for extreme chronic pain, such as the suffering experienced by cancer patients.

Medical literature has shown that it is much safer than other drugs given in place, including synthetic opiate oxycodone.

Unfortunately, the federal government did ban on drugs for hospitals and other medical facilities to use it subtantifi, although the drug is safe as handling for effective pain and only the only option


Miraculous Treatment For Depression. Most of these drugs are used as an animal tranquilizer, commonly called by the name of "special K, has proved potent enough to treat clinical depression, even in people who do not respond to other treatments.

A study by the Connecticut Mental Health Center found that 70% of their test group, none of whom ever get results with traditional depression treatments, and they respond positively to treatment with Ketamine.

Even more interesting is the fact that the drug is able to improve the connection of neurons in the brain that have previously been damaged by chronic stress.

Ronald Duman, senior author of the study, noted Ketamine "like a magic drug - one dose can work rapidly and last for seven to 10 days."


Treatment For narkopelasi, ADHD and Aid In Stroke Recovery. Amphetamines are currently used by the medical community to treat several conditions, including narcolepsy and ADHD. State University of New York reported that in some cases, they also proved to be effective in treating depression and obesity.

One of the most surprising use for amphetamines is the use of drugs to help stroke victims to recover faster.
new - new A study by the Karolinska Institute in Sweden showed that the treatment can be very helpful for those who have a weak stroke.


For cancer drugs, AIDS, sclerosis, glaucoma and epilepsy
"Proponents of medical marijuana argue that it can be a safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and other conditions. While the state may legalize medical use, but marijuana is still illegal under the enactment federal laws.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Published Date: January 2, 2016 at 13:28
Tag : Types of potent drugs.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Sunday 11 January 2015

Poisonous caterpillar.

Caterpillar is the most avoided by humans, in addition to several types can make the body itching, also become pests for crop production.

Caterpillars which are categorized as dangerous, among which are  :

The Saddleback Caterpillar

The Saddleback Caterpillar
Caterpillar beautiful, but be careful if exposed to the toxin can cause symptoms of swelling, nausea and rash for days. Caterpillar is quite greedy and eat all kinds of plants. There in the garden, flower pots, garden and others.

The Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar

The Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar
Classified as a voracious caterpillar, but if he ran out of food then happened is mutual cannibalism among caterpillars.

To maintain the caterpillar life is equipped with enough venom deadly weapon for prey. If the man touched the poison that makes us itch and rash all over the body

The Monarch Caterpillar

The Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar
His appearance was funny, yellow striped black and white. If these caterpillars are hatched, not visible to the human eye because their size is so small.

These caterpillars grow very fast, it has an average length of 2 inches (5 cm). If you've become butterflies, Monarch Caterpillar very pretty and beautiful

The Gypsy Moth Caterpillar

The Gypsy Moth Caterpillar
The hallmark of this type of worm is to have a lot of hair on his head, and unique in the caterpillar body just a little hairy. The hair can cause pain and for those who come in contact dermatitis.

They are very fond of some kind that leaves maple, elm and oak. These caterpillars can also cause trees become dead.

The Bag Shelter Caterpillar

The Bag Shelter Caterpillar
Among all kinds of other caterpillar, caterpillar is very toxic and dangerous, can cause death in humans. Early symptoms of shortness of breath and a rash all over its body. The caterpillars feed on the leaves, and come out at night.

The Puss Caterpillar

The Puss Caterpillar
The most poisonous caterpillar in North America is the Slug Caterpillar Puss or Woolly. Do not be fooled by the appearance of fluffy cotton ball as it will let go sour on anything that touches and laden with poisonous spines all over his body. Symptoms of a sting can last several days and include headache, nausea and vomiting. Contained in citrus trees, elm and oak.

The Stinging Rose Caterpillar

The Stinging Rose Caterpillar
Less than one inch in length. This species has feathers spiked with poison glands. When touching the barbed hairs, then the poison directly into the body and cause a skin rash and hypersensitivity reactions. These caterpillars can be found in woody plants such as dogwood, maple, oak, cherry, apple, poplar and hickory.

The Hickory Tussock Caterpillar

The Hickory Tussock Caterpillar
The venom of this type caterpillars progress when it comes in contact with hair or spines and cause a skin rash or hypersensitivity.

Hickory Tussock generally visible from June to September and can be found in southern Canada or North America.

The Io Moth Caterpillar

The Io Moth Caterpillar
Two types of toxins are released from the back of the caterpillar of this kind lead to burning and inflammation. They eat a lot of trees and shrubs including willow, maple, elm, oak, holly, aspen, locust, cherry, pear and sassafras.

This species can be found in nature, meadows and cornfields forest from February to September.

The Spinny Oak Slug Caterpillar

The Spinny Oak Slug Caterpillar
This caterpillar color is beautiful and has a length of less than one inch. Toxins released by the spines can cause severe reactions. These caterpillars like to eat palm, willow, ash, oak, hackberry and chestnut along with other trees and woody plants smaller.

This species can be found in the forests of southern Quebec to Maine and south through Missouri, Texas and Florida. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 11, 2015 at 15:30
Tag : Poisonous caterpillar.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

The most deadly animals.

Turtles Alligators.

Turtles Alligators.This predator is the largest freshwater turtle in North America, which can weigh up to 100 kg or more, and live in lakes, rivers and swamps. Although his body is equipped with powerful jaws and sharp claws, this creature tortoise animal remains, and not be able to catch their prey quickly. Instead, he used a hunting technique very similar to that of the pit viper Cantil.
This animal moves in the water, it looks like a harmless stone with wide-open jaws. His tongue had extra meat that looks like a worm, and turtles can move about the meat to make it look like worms.


Anglerfish.Anglerfish is a kind of deep-sea fish, is widely known for his performances were terrible and bizarre reproductive habits. They are also the most famous fish of all predators who use the lure technique. Interestingly, only female who has an antenna, the antenna is actually the spines protruding from the back over the mouth of a fish as a fishing rod. At the end of the spine there is an organ like a glowing ball that contains bacteria that can produce blue-green light that is similar to the fireflies.
When fish or other invertebrates captivated, anglerfish swallow it whole, stomach and bones are very flexible which allows the fish can eat prey up to 2 times the size of his body.

Air-tentacles snake

Air-tentacles snake.Tentacles snake found in Southeast Asia and the eastern parts are mostly aquatic species that eat fish. His most famous feature is the strange fleshy tentacles at the muzzle.
The tentacles are actually very sensitive sensor, which allows the snake to detect movement in the water and attack any fish swimming nearby. Another interesting trait is the speed of this snake that strikes with tentacles are incredible, it takes only 15 milliseconds for the snake to catch its prey.

Green Stork

Green Stork.Green heron known like small objects dropped onto the surface of the water, hope there is a small fish that deceived who thought that the object is food, then this heron quickly catch unsuspecting victims. Not all green heron using this technique, but they are becoming very talented, and they are even experimenting with different types of bait.
Some storks ever seen stealing bread because he never saw people feeding the ducks in the pond by using bread as bait. Another Stork known to catch small fish but not to be eaten, but are used as bait for larger fish.
Some experts believe that they learn from humans, while others think that their own learning by observing how small fish will investigate small objects or animals that fall into the water. This behavior is not intuitively obvious, which makes this very green heron may be the most intelligent predator.


Coati.Coati females and young males living in large groups, while adult males often live alone. They are renowned for their intelligence, and although they mostly eat worms, eggs, fruits and insects, they armed large fangs and claws are strong and sometimes able to hunt larger animals.
According to some accounts, one of the favorite foods coati is a green iguana. Big lizard is often found in the tree, so coati prepared using teamwork to hunt them. Some Coati climb trees and scare iguana that jumped to the ground, and the other coatis quickly catch them. Iguana is instinctively programmed to jump to the ground whenever they feel threatened. That's what makes these simple tricks coati be very effective.

Fireflies Photuris

Fireflies Photuris.Fireflies not true flies, they include Coeleoptera order, they beetles. They are famous for their ability to produce light. Most fireflies use their light to communicate with each other, most of the other is to attract a mate.
Photinus females have very short wings and can not fly, but males can. During mating season, male Photinus fly above the ground and radiate flicker to attract females. Females are on the ground watching Photinus males and respond by blinking light as well. Then enter Photuris fireflies. This creature spied Photunis and females of the species mimic their patterns flashing to attract male fireflies so as not suspicious. When the male fireflies down to the ground preparing to marry, they are quickly attacked and eaten by Photuris fireflies.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 11, 2015 at 12:52
Tag : The most deadly animals.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Found trapped in rocks.

Flies head killers.
Killer fly species that lived in prehistoric times and now extinct found trapped in amber transparent. Male and female flies of the species named Burmapogon Bruckschi was discovered in the Valley Hukawang, Myanmar.

Fly killer trapped in a transparent stone.According to the researchers, the specimen measuring 2.5 inches and up to 100 million years old.
B. Bruckschi add more than 7,500 species of fly killers are now.
Flies that gets its name from the accuracy of their way to kill: after the ambush, fly killer ekoskeleton stab their prey and inject digestive juices so they could suck up the liquid that is in the body of the prey.
But the small predators were not immune to the resin. Insects can be trapped in the amber current flowing resin of trees where they perch.
Previously, the history of the new killer flies in the fossil limestone.
"Translucent amber stone gives researchers a new window to the ecology in the Cretaceous Period and enlightening about the evolutionary history of a family of flies," said Torsten Dikow, researchers at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
Wing fly killer trapped in a transparent stone."Fossils of ancient flies well preserved so that you can almost imagine they're flying now," he added.
T. Dikow identify differences B. Bruckschi with their relatives who are still alive. B. bruckschi has a flat antenna, the structure of the V-shaped eyes, spiny hind legs, and feathers cover the sharp mouth.
Species, along with other types of fly killer named Cretagaster raritanensis, described in the 21 April edition of the Journal of the American Museum Novitates.
The second new species identified as a new species. The fossils found in chunks of amber in New Jersey in 1999. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 11, 2015 at 12:19
Tag : Found trapped in rocks.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Gold producing countries.

Gold ingot.
Gold is the stuff that has incredible charm. Gold can increase social status in society. Besides, gold prices tend to rise each year the main attraction for the people, they can save money without the burden of administration, but its growing every year like flowers given bank. Not surprisingly, the demand for gold in the world continues to increase.

These countries include :


Muratu gold mine in the Kyzylkum Desert in downtown Uzbakistan is the reason Uzbekistan in the list of gold producing country in the world. This mine produced 90 tonnes of gold / year. Estimated reserves Uzbakistan has 2,100 tons of gold reserves.


Indonesia also has one of the largest gold mines in the world, Papua gold mine in Grasberg, Batu Hijau, Seven Hills, Hertzberg centered in the province of Papua. Indonesia, on average produces about 100 tonnes of gold / year.


Ghana is one of the countries that its land is rich in minerals in the African continent. Annual gold production reached 100 tons / year. The number of its gold production is increasing every year.


Red Lake gold mine in Ontario is the largest gold mine in Canada. Accounted for 50% of Canada's gold production annually. Canadian gold production reached 110 tons of gold / year.


Gold production in Peru reached 150 tons / year. The biggest contributor of the Lagunas Norte whose production reached 23 ton / year, as well as from other cities, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Apurimac, and Arequipa.

South Africa.

South Africa is the country's largest gold producer on the African continent. Annual gold production reached 190 tons / year, while the gold reserves reached 49,000 tons. The main gold mines in the Witwatersrand Basin are Archaen.


The average Russian produce as much as 200 tons of gold / year, with its gold reserves reached 7,200 tons of gold. Gold mining is concentrated in Chutka, Olympiada, Voro and Khabarovsk.

United States.

Total gold production annual average of 237 tons / year, mostly in getting from mines in Montana and Nevada Desert.


Australian average produce as much as 270 tonnes of gold / year. The biggest gold producer is concentrated in Western Australia, South Australia and New South Wales. While the biggest gold reserves in the Super Pit, Kalgoorlie, Telfer, Agnew, Boddington and Sunrise Dam.


China's average gold production reached 360 tons / year. Five provinces are the biggest contributor to gold in Shandong, Henan, Jiang Xi, Fujian and Mongolia. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 11, 2015 at 11:27
Tag : Gold producing countries.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM