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Sunday 9 November 2014

The dangers of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer is one of the few types of cancer that is very dangerous for women. Cervical cancer would be very dangerous if it has reached an advanced stage (chronic). The World Health Organization (WHO) states, the highest number of cervical cancer in the world is Indonesia. More than 15,000 cases of cervical cancer arise each year in Indonesia.

The cause of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is caused by Human Papilloma virus (HPV). This virus has more than 100 types, some of which are harmless, and then will disappear by itself. Type of HPV virus types 16 and 18 are the type of virus that can be harmful and fatal for patients. Other causes besides the HPV virus is caused by cell - abnormal cells found on the cervix due to radiation and chemical pollution that occurs in a vulnerable time.

Transmission of cervical cancer.

Transmission of HPV virus can occur through sexual contact, especially for those who frequently change - change partners. The spread of this virus can be done in several ways, namely by transmission through the genital organs to the genital organs, oral to genital, or by hand to the genitals. Therefore, the use of condoms during sexual intercourse is not very influential in preventing the spread of HPV virus. because the virus is transmitted through skin contact.

Symptoms of cervical cancer.

For the initial stage, the disease is less cause any symptoms. For those who have ever had sexual intercourse, it is advisable to test the pap smear test within two years. For experienced physical symptoms in patients with this disease are generally only felt by patients with advanced cancer.

Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer.

1. Excessive pain or bleeding during intercourse.
2. There is a most unusual vaginal discharge or excessive.
3. The bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.
4. Losing weight drastically.
5. If the cancer has reached the pelvis, usually the patient will experience back pain and barriers in urination, and kidney enlargement.

Future growth of cervical cancer.

The period of pre-invasive / before becoming malignant disease occurs in susceptible quite a long time, for patients who have been identified to be able to cope with this disease in many ways that he could do. When an infection can lead to the growth of abnormal cells that are able to influence the development of cancer cells. For the development of this disease can take about 5-20 years, starting from the stage of infection, pre-cancerous lesions to be positive cervical cancer.

Some people who are most at risk of cervical cancer.

1. Women who are at risk for cervical cancer are women who have age between 35-50 years, especially for those who have been sexually active before the age of 16 years. Those who have been sexually active at an early age, have an increased risk of cervical cancer 2 times when compared to those who had sexual intercourse after age 20 years.
2. Cervical cancer is also associated with a number of the opposite sex in intimate relationships.. For those who often have multiple sexual partners, are at greater risk.
3. Number of pregnancies person.
4. The people with the HIV virus which has been declared to have an abnormal pap smear test results.
5. Patients with severe malnutrition are at risk of HPV infection. Inadequate intake of vitamins A, C, and E each day can lower immunity so it is easy to be infected by this disease.
6. The habit of smoking can increase the risk of cervical cancer. A study at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden published in the British Journal of Cancer, namely in 2001. The leader of the research Joakam Dillner, MD stated, nicotine and other toxins that have entered into the blood through the cigarette smoke can increase the likelihood of the condition of cervical neoplasia that is the growth of abnormal cells in a woman's uterus. Cervical neoplasia is a condition early growth of cervical cancer cells in a person's body.

How to detect cervical cancer.

• By doing a pap smear test
• By using acetic acid / vinegar
• By using the technology of Hybrid Capture System II (HCII), is believed to have high accuracy in detecting the disease

Preventing cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is the only type of cancer that the cause was unknown. Some efforts to prevent transmission of cervical cancer include:
• Faithful to one partner
• Organized in a pap smear test within two years, for those who have been active in sexual relationships
• Maintain the health condition

Treating cervical cancer.

Patients with early-stage cervical cancer usually do not feel the complaint or a symptom that occurs. Usually patients with cervical cancer will come to the hospital when the disease has reached the stage 3. For cervical cancer in stage 2 to stage 4, could result in damage to the organs - organs of the patient's body, for example, is the kidney, bladder, and so forth. For patients who have severe, usually will do a hysterectomy. But that alone is not enough to cure the patient as usual. Additional therapy, such as radiation and chemotherapy should also be made for the recovery effort. But even these measures have not been able to ensure the patient is able to recover 100%.

One of the natural herbal remedies to treat Cervical Cancer is Natural Crystal X which has many benefits to overcome the problem of femininity. These products are very safe to use and has been listed on POM body REG. POM IDM000245253 NA 18,111,600,004.

  Benefits / Function of Crystal X  :

1. Heal irritation in the lining of the vagina
2. Kill germs and bacteria
3. Clean the crust or dirt in the lining of the vagina
4. Curing and preventing whitish
5. Helps eliminate unpleasant smells in the female organs
6. Enabling and bend back the lining of the vagina
7. Adding vaginal sensitivity to energy stimulation
8. To prevent the occurrence of cancer associated with the female reproductive organs.

How to Use Crystal X  :

1.Moisten with water crystal X then insert it into the vagina as deep as 4 cm and circled approximately 10 counts (10 seconds)
2. Remove and wash with water, then wipe with a dry cloth
3. store in a dry place
4. Used 1-2x after a bath (for maintenance)
5. Recommended for 5 minutes before and after sex
6. For the unmarried, or virgin, Crystal X soak into the water about 2 minutes, use the soaking water to wash the vagina regularly.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 09, 2014 at 12:09
Tag : The dangers of cervical cancer.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Saturday 8 November 2014

You know eczema.

Eczema disease in the body.
Eczema is often called eczema, or dermatitis is a severe inflammation that causes the formation of small blisters or bubbles (vesicles) on the skin and eventually burst and discharge. The term eczema is also used for a group of conditions that cause changes in the pattern of the skin and cause specific changes in the surface. The term is derived from the Greek word meaning 'boiling or flow out'.

Type of eczema.

Some types of eczema are:

Atopic dermatitis:

One type of eczema is the most common and is a hereditary disease. Atopic dermatitis usually begins when a baby and a child with symptoms such as itching, rash, and in some people with asthma often arise and hay fever (hay fever).

Contact dermatitis:

Covers allergic and irritant contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis caused by delayed immune reaction (delayed immune system) as a result of skin contact with allergenic substances that cause inflammation of the skin within 48 hours after exposure occurs. Some of the causative agent of this type of eczema is nettle, perfume, cosmetic preservatives, metals, and dyes. Irritant contact dermatitis occurs due to exposure to irritant compounds that can damage the skin chemically, such as harsh soaps, detergents and other cleaning products. The irritant compound can remove oil and moisture from the outer layer of skin, and then destroy the protective layer and trigger inflammation.

Nummular dermatitis:

Several plaques of eczema that is usually associated with dry skin and occurs on the outside of the legs, hands, and arms.
Stasis eczema:
Type of chronic eczema on the lower leg in the area associated with varicose veins.

Symptoms of eczema.

The main symptoms of the onset of mild eczema is an area of smooth, slightly flushed dry, flaky, itchy, or may not, and usually found on the legs or arms. In patients with acute eczema, skin will experience intense itching, usually occurs in the front of the elbows, behind the knees, and face. However, any area of skin may be affected. Furthermore, the skin becomes more sensitive to scratchy fabrics, especially wool. In the winter, eczema will be more severe because the indoor air is very dry.

Factors Affecting.

Some materials that can aggravate eczema is sand, dust, detergents, soap, foam soap, perfume, stress, emotional distress, chlorine, as well as scratching and rubbing. Environmental temperature extremes, such as cold weather with low humidity and dry air, also aggravate the disease.
In some cases, food allergies can also affect eczema. For example, foods such as cow's milk, fish, eggs, oranges, peanuts, and wheat.


Mild eczema do not require treatment, but the hydration of the skin should be kept from getting too dry. Among using hydrocortisone cream on the infected skin area several times a day. For patients with acute eczema, can use steroid creams or antihistamines to prevent or control the itching. Some other treatments to deal with eczema include cold compresses, antibiotics, corticosteroids, and phototherapy. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 07, 2014 at 11:07
Tag : You know eczema.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Methods of treatment of diabetes.

Stem cells are the stem cells that are in our own bodies that have the ability to renew and restore. Under these conditions, it can be classified as multifunctional cells, with the effect of restoring, supplement or remove damaged cells, even renewing organ. Stem cell method for diabetes using stem cell capabilities that can restore and renew damaged pancreatic cells., So as to reduce the suffering of patients to insulin in the long term.

Methods of stem cells can treat a type of diabetes below.

The effects of stem cell therapy for diabetes is very real, both to diabetes I, diabetes II, and Gestational diabetes results were efektif.Karena excellence therapy time is short, quick results visible, stem cell therapy can also be applied to the prevention and cure of complications common in diabetics, such as podiatrist (foot necrosis, amputation), kidney disease (renal dysfunction, uremia), eye (blurred, blindness), encephalopathy (cerebral vascular disease), skin disease, gastroparesis, ketoacidosis (DKA), heart disease, nerve damage, and other common complications of diabetes.

The advantages of this method of treatment Stem cell.

In the results of a study published in <Journal of the American Medical Association> reported, the expert doctors perform stem cell therapy to 15 patients with diabetes I in Brazil, the results are 13 people who successfully overcome their dependency on insulin, is also no longer dependent on drugs . The first patient who underwent this therapy has been stopped from insulin for 3 years now.

Side effects of small.

Stem cell therapy is very safe, no adverse effects were minor. Before doing stem cell therapy, generally they undergo treatment for anti-body, targeted induction treatment, and treatment to maintain stability and security for the sake of the other series of tests, including toxicity testing, genetic testing, immunotoxicity testing, etc. The results prove, stem cell method has no side effects, safe and non-toxic.
Treatment with the use of drugs is one way of treating diabetes, using drugs in a certain period can control the diabetes for a while. In addition, the use of drugs in the long term side effects are very large, because many people are affected by it, such as kidney failure, liver damage, etc.

The treatment process is short, only 3 weeks.

The process of stem cell therapy is very short, it only takes 3 weeks. Stem cell therapy for diabetes, patients are required only in the hospital about 3 weeks, the method process takes about one month, in a short time, the interference experienced by people with diabetes will be resolved soon.
In traditional medicine, some patients are forced to live through insulin injections, even until the end of his life could not let go of their dependence on insulin.

The process of stem cell therapy.

The course of the process of stem cell therapy, including before, implementation, and after treatment, it usually takes about 10 days, the following details:
(1) Before treatment.
Day 1: Go to the Hospital. Registration.
Day 2: Examination. Overall checkup, with related indicators, to ensure the implementation of stem cell therapy.
Day 3-6: The initial phase of therapy. Based on the patient's condition and disease progression, stem cell therapy and the implemented control body condition.

(2) Stem Cell Therapy.
Day 7: Implementation of stem cell transplantation through the arteries. Through the parts that have been anesthetized locally, perform stem cell transplantation.

(3) After treatment.
Day 8-9: Observation. Evaluation of the effectiveness, as well as organize and assist patients in consolidation therapy.
Day 10: Exit the hospital and the implementation of the re-examination. The doctor will inform the patient about the time to do a re-examination.

The cost of treatment is based on the patient's condition and treatment methods.
(1). Different diseases require different types and different number of stem cells; although the same disease, different stages of the disease, the number and types of stem cells used were different, can not be equated.
(2). The cost of treatment include: the cost of stem cell proliferation and the cost of the transplant, medical examinations, hospitalization, medication support (when needed), and cost recovery therapy (if needed). Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 08, 2014 at 09:07
Tag : Methods of treatment of diabetes..
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Friday 7 November 2014

You know eucalyptus.

Melaleuca leucadendra
Sunk or white wood (Melaleuca leucadendra syn. M. leucadendron) is a member of the tribe of tree Syzygium (Myrtaceae) are used as a source of eucalyptus oil (cajuput oil). Oil is extracted (usually distilled with steam) mainly from the leaves and branches. Its name is derived from the color of the stem that is white.
This plant grows especially well in eastern Indonesia and northern Australia, but may also be cultivated in other areas that have a clear dry season.
Eucalyptus oil volatile. On a hot day the trees adjacent to it will be able to smell it from a considerable distance.
As an industrial plant, eucalyptus can be grown in the form of forest enterprises (agroforestry). Perhutani has some eucalyptus forests to produce it. Eucalyptus oil extracted from oil refining usually used as jerky or other treatment oil blend (such as oil telon) or a mixture of perfumes and other household products.

Melaleuca leucadendra

Eucalyptus oil (cajuput oil, oleum-melaleuca-cajeputi, or oleum cajeputi) produced from the distillation of the leaves and twigs of eucalyptus (M. leucadendra). The essential oil is used as an oil treatment, it can be taken orally (taken by mouth) or, more generally, massaged into the body. Usefulness is as body warmers, muscle relaxants, and prevents flatulence.
This oil contains mainly eucalyptol (1,8-cineol) (component at most, about 60%), α-terpineol and acetate esters, α-pinene, and limonene.
M. quinquenervia reported to also be a source of essential oils are called the same.
Eucalyptus oil into a lot of components in various ointments and oil mixture heated. Ointment telon tiger and is known to use eucalyptus oil as a constituent.

Benefits and Efficacy of Eucalyptus Oil.

Efficacy of Eucalyptus Oil Eucalyptus oil (cajuput oil) is one of the essential oils produced from the distillation of leaves and twigs of the eucalyptus tree (melaleuca leucadendra). Eucalyptus trees are widely grown, especially in eastern Indonesia and northern Australia. Or it can also grow in areas with a clear dry season. As the name implies, it has a eucalyptus tree trunks white, can be peeled off like a multi-layered foam, has leaves that are chopped into small pieces as well as volatile if exposed to heat. It smells characteristic makes much preferred eucalyptus oil or even just hated by some people.

Eucalyptus Oil Benefits for Health.

Almost everyone is familiar with eucalyptus oil and use it as a traditional medicine to warm the body, especially for infants and children, can also be used to relieve colds, flatulence, itching caused by insect bites, and skin irritations. Additionally, eucalyptus oil is also used as an ingredient to make telon, perfume, or other household products.

Some other benefits of eucalyptus oil that needs to be known;

Cure skin diseases.

Eucalyptus oil is known as an essential oil that has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, so it can be used as a medicine to cure various skin diseases such as cuts or abrasions on the skin surface as well as infection. That's because eucalyptus oil is proven to soothe the skin and is able to prevent the arrival of viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Eucalyptus oil can also treat festering wounds. Because it has good antimicrobial properties, eucalyptus oil is also commonly used as an ingredient for making soap, deodorant, lotion, perfume, toothpaste, and a variety of other health products.

Aromatherapy and body relaxation.

Eucalyptus oil has a distinctive aroma that can be used as a natural analgesic. Try to soak in warm water with a few drops of eucalyptus oil. In addition to reducing pain due to joint pain, the scent is also able to relieve stress and can make the body and mind to relax.

Skin care.

Eucalyptus oil can be used as material for a massage or can be mixed in a cream commonly used to scrub. If it is done regularly can make the skin smooth and soft, it can also disguise the scars on the skin.

Relieve dizziness or headache.

Headaches that attacks will certainly make the activity disrupted and discomfort. By applying a few drops of eucalyptus oil on the head of the pain can help relieve dizziness and headaches that interfere.

Treating colds and nasal congestion

In addition to using the inhaler, colds and nasal congestion can also be overcome by the smell of eucalyptus oil. The scent of eucalyptus oil will help relieve nasal congestion.

Eliminate motion sickness.

Apply eucalyptus oil on your stomach and breathe in the aroma, it can eliminate motion sickness so the trip to be fun and not be disturbed.

As a mixture of nail varnish or the girlfriend.

If you want to get nail polish colors are brighter, add a bit of eucalyptus oil to the henna mixture (nail color) is.

Treating cough.

Mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a glass of warm water, then use the water to rinse. It can relieve the pain of coughing and throat also be relieved.


Eucalyptus oil mixed with water can be used as a household disinfectant that is effective and easy to obtain.

Blood Circulation.

Eucalyptus oil is a good stimulant that can help improve blood circulation by increasing the activity of the heart.

Those are some benefits of eucalyptus oil to the body. So it never hurts to always provide eucalyptus oil at home and always carry it while traveling. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 07, 2014 at 14:10
Tag : You know eucalyptus.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Senthe Black.

Senthe Black setinggi manusia.

(Alocasia Plumbea)

Senthe Black which has the Latin name Alocasia Plumbea is native to Indonesia (Java). This plant has the characteristics of stem and lower leaves blackish brown / purple, purplish green upper leaves, sap also has the same color as the trunk / blackish brown.

Reputedly uses this unique plant has a magic power that is extraordinary, as can be distanced from misfortune, bad luck, cast out spirits, etc. This plant is a wild plant that lives on the edge of the riverbank. The existence of this plant formerly was not much to get the attention of the population, as the tuber can not eat and sap when in contact with skin will feel very itchy bites all. If yet in use by the public only in place in the corner of the yard to reject any reinforcements.
That plants in the Java community known as Black Senthe. The name of this plant is not less good as the name - the name of the other plants, namely Alocasia macrorhiza. The original habitat of this plant is rarely found, only the unspoiled rural areas alone can we find the original habitat.

Along with the growing public interest in collecting flowers, black Senthe started 'riding degrees'. The plant is now a part of the beauty that adorn the home garden - luxury homes, hotels and apartments. Not surprisingly, in recent times this black Senthe started to become the talking point in the community flower lovers.

Plant types of tubers is no less interesting with Anthurium and others. Senthe black fans are now beginning to be hunted both local and non-local. When we look Senthe plant is indeed quite interesting. The stem is solid while the leaves are wide. Unlike other Senthe leaves grow upright (vertical) that seem more manly. Wavy leaf edge and around the surface there is a wonderful texture, supported by leaf veins that stick out like a bodybuilding athlete. This plant has always grown with the odd leaf 3 or 5 very unique indeed.

Treatment plant is quite easy and resistant to all weather hot or rainy. The plant height can reach 2 meters, no exaggeration when many parties are optimistic this plant has bright prospect.

Senthe wulung or black senthe sap was itchy, so can not be made anything. Which is used as fish feed is senthe green, although this is not itchy skin contact.
If tales is itchy. The difference between the tales are senthe :  senthe leaves no waxy coating so that the leaves can be wet taro whereas if there is a layer of the candle so that the leaves do not get wet.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 07, 2014 at 13:33
Tag : Senthe Black.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Dioscorea esculenta (Java Mbili).

Dioscorea esculenta tuber
Dioscorea esculenta fruiting plants underground. This plant tubers that grow vines with green leaves and thorny stems around his bulbs are dark black spines (java: Marung). The fruit resembles a sweet potato the size of a fist adults. Light brown with a thin skin. Clean white tuber with a texture resembling a sweet potato and a distinctive taste. Calorific value contained in Dioscorea esculenta is 95 ka V 100g. These plants become secondary food in many tropical countries. Dioscorea esculenta contains ethanol which can be used as raw material for bio-ethanol or alcoholic beverage.

During the Japanese occupation Dioscorea esculenta be used as food. Dioscorea esculenta is the only garden plants, usually to limit yard. Harvest rather old age, ie 7-9 months. In Java These plants will thrive during the rainy season arrives.
Dioscorea esculenta tuber

This plant can be found in tropical climates such INDONESIA. The plant is expected to come from the Indo-Chinese mainland. Dioscorea esculenta Dioscorea esculenta species included in (Lour.) Burkill. Dioscorea esculenta also called Lesser yam, Chinese yam, yam Asiatic. Local Name yam Dioscorea esculenta is aung (West Java), Mbili (Central Java), kombili (Ambon). Dioscorea esculenta tuber shape is generally round to oval, but there is also a form of branched or lobar. Surface smooth tubers, tuber skin color beige to light brown, yellow-green color of the cortex and white tuber flesh color clear to cloudy white. Dioscorea esculenta tuber diameter of about 4 cm, a length of 4 cm to 10 cm with a round or oval shape. Thickness of about 0.04 cm tuber skin. Tuber skin easy to peel as it is quite thin. Tuber weight around 100-200 grams.

Components of the largest chemical in Dioscorea esculenta is water then carbohydrates. Dioscorea esculenta carbohydrate composed of sugar, amylose and amylopectin. Sugar component is composed of glucose, fructose and sucrose, causing the sweet taste. Proteins in Dioscorea esculenta composed of amino acids that lower the amount of sulfur amino acids (methionine and cysteine), lysine, tyrosine and tryptophan, while the other amino acids large numbers.
Various studies show that nutritional content is not much different local flour from wheat flour. Thus, local flour has good prospects to substitute flour terigu.Badan Guidance Bulk and Food Security (BMKP) Central Java, in collaboration with several universities, has been processing various local flour into a variety of processed food products that are delicious and interesting. Utilization of local flour as material substitution and replacement of wheat flour can reduce the need ranging from 20% to 100%.
Unfortunately, until now there has been a lot of entrepreneurs who want to produce local flour on a commercial scale, so that consumers are still experiencing difficulties in obtain the alternative flour.

Some local food in Indonesia that can ditepungkan among others derived from cereals (eg maize and sorghum), tubers (uwi, canna, yam, Dioscorea esculenta, arrowroot, sente, suweg, cassava, taro, yams, and potatoes), and fruits (bananas, breadfruit, pumpkin, and young jackfruit).

Dioscorea esculenta tuber nutrient content

Dioscorea esculenta tubers have a starch yield and starch highest (24.28% and 21.44%) than other bulbs. Thus in terms of the yield results Dioscorea esculenta potential to be developed into a flour or starch.

Dioscorea esculenta is a potential source of carbohydrate, protein, low-fat, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, and C. In addition, the levels of sodium and Dioscorea esculenta has a low glycemic index.

Assorted Processed Products Tubers Dioscorea esculenta

- Chips Dioscorea esculenta
- Gethuk Dioscorea esculenta


Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (vascular plants)
Super Division: Spermatophyta (seed Produce)
Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
Class: Liliopsida (dashed one / monocots)
Sub Class: Liliidae
Order: Liliales
Family: Dioscoreaceae
Genus: Dioscorea
Species: Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 07, 2014 at 11:12
Tag : Dioscorea esculenta (Java Mbili).
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Thursday 6 November 2014

Porang plants or Suwek.

Tanaman suweg
Plants porang or Suwek (Amorphopallus oncophillus) is a plant that lives in tropical forests. Plants can also be planted in the lowlands of the easy life in the trees Teak, mahogany etc. Porang in Java known as suweg. Including shrub height 100-150 cm plant has a characteristic feature Stems erect, soft, smooth stems are green or black mottled (spotted) white. Single rod breaks down into three secondary shaft and will split again at once into the petiole, have the bulbs in the ground. At each meeting of the stem will grow nodules / frog blackish brown as plant breeding tool Porang. Plant height can reach 1.5 meters so depending on age and soil fertility. Bulbs to be levied this result because it has glucomanan substances.
This plant has promising prospects of economic value that can be cultivated. Porang or suwek is used for industrial and health, it is mainly because Glucomanan substances in it. Some other benefits porang bulbs include:
material glue
adhesives tablet
Packaging capsule
Upholstery paper

Porang growing medium.

Porang plants grown on any soil type, cultivation porang can work well with respect to:

Climatic Conditions

Its typically have a very high tolerance to shade or shade (hold the shade). The light takes a maximum of only 40%. This plant can grow to a height of 0-700 M above sea level. However, the most excellent in the area having a height of 100-600 M above sea level.

The state of the Land

The land is fertile / infertile and does not tarnish (waterlogged) make this plant thrive. The degree of acidity ideal soil is between pH 6-7 and on any type of soil conditions.

Environmental Conditions

Shade is good for this plant is the type of Teak, Mahogany, Sono, and others, that the principal is no shade and protected from fire. The density of shade at least 40%, so the closer the better.
To harvest, can be done after the age of 3 years (3 times growth). And for the current price of about Rp. 800, - / kg wet. Meanwhile, when sold in the form of slices dry chips can be sold at a price Rp.9,000, - / kg. If we are able to sell directly to the investors from foreign parties we will be valued around USD 18 / Kg. In each tree can harvest as much as 2 kg tubers, and in each hectare can be obtained 12 tons, or about 1.5 tons of dry.

Breeding Porang or Sewuk

Suwek plants bred by generative and vegetative. breeding can be done in a way that is:

1. Breeding with Frogs

In 1 kg Frog frog contains about 100 grains. This frog was collected at the time of harvest and then stored so that when the rainy season can be directly planted in prepared soil.

2. Propagation by Seeds / Fruit

Plants Porang at any period of four years will produce flowers which then becomes the fruit or seeds. In one cob fruit seeds can produce up to 250 eggs that can be used as seeds sown Porang the way first.

3. Breeding with Bulbs

With a small tuber, is obtained from the reduction of plants that are too tight so it needs to be reduced. This reduction results collected are further exploited as seeds.
With a large tuber, this is done by the large bulbs is broken down according to taste then grown on land that has been prepared.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 06, 2014 at 20:19
Tag : Porang or suwek (Amorphopallus oncophillus).
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM