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Tuesday 21 October 2014

Alpha viruses.

S.K. Lam and K.B. Chua, WHO Collaborating Centre for Arbovirus Reference and Research (DF/DHF), Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur.

Alphaviruses are known to give rise to a spectrum of disease in humans, ranging from silent asymptomatic infections to undifferentiated febrile illness to devastating encephalitis. The following alphaviruses have been associated primarily with fever and polyarthritis.

Chikungunya virus

CHIK is responsible for extensive Aedes aegypti-transmitted urban disease in cities in Africa and major epidemics in Asia. The crippling arthralgia and frequent arthritis that accompany the fever and other systemic symptoms are clinically distinct. Several other togaviruses of the alphavirus genus (Ross River, O’nyong-nyong, etc) have been associated with a similar syndrome. CHIK activity in Asia has been documented since its isolation in Bangkok in 1958. Other countries which have reported CHIK activity include Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

CHIK virus is transmitted in the savannahs and forests of tropical Africa by Aedes mosquitoes of the subgenera Stegomyia and Diceromyia. Aedes aegypti is an important vector in urban epidemics in both Africa and Asia.

Clinical Features

CHIK is an acute infection of abrupt onset, heralded by fever and severe arthralgia, followed by other constitutional symptoms and rash, and lasting for a period of 1-7 days. The incubation period is usually 2-3 days, with a range of 1-12 days. Fever rises abruptly, often reaching 39 to 40 degrees centigrade and accompanied by intermittent shaking chills. This acute phase lasts 2-3 days. The temperature may remit for 1-2 days, resulting in a "saddle-back" fever curve.

The arthralgias are polyarticular, migratory, and predominantly affect the small joints of the hands, wrists, ankles and feet, with lesser involvement of larger joints. Pain on movement is worse in the morning, improved by mild exercise, and exacerbated by strenous exercise. Swelling may occur, but fluid accumulation is uncommon. Patients with milder articular manifestations are usually symptom-free within a few weeks, but more severe cases require months to resolve entirely. Generalized myalgia, as well as back and shoulder pain, is common.

Cutaneous manifestations are typical with many patients presenting with a flush over the face and trunk. This is usually followed by a rash generally described as maculopapular. The trunks and limbs are commonly involved, but face, palms and soles may also show lesions. Pruritis or irritation may accompany the eruption.

During the acute disease, most patients will have headache, but it is not usually severe. Photophobia and retroorbital pain also occur but not severe. Conjunctival injection is present in some cases. Some patients will complain of sore throat and have pharyngitis on examination.

CHIK infection has a somewhat different picture in younger patients. Arthralgia and arthritis occur but are less prominent and last a shorter time. Rash may be less frequent; but in infants and younger children, prominent flushing and early appearance of maculopapular or urticarial eruption may be a useful indicator.

In Asia, several virus isolations have been made from severely ill children diagnosed as having haemorrhagic fever, similar to DHF.


Supportive care with rest is indicated during the acute joint symptoms. Movement and mild exercise tend to improve stiffness and morning arthralgia, but heavy exercise may exacerbate rheumatic symptoms. In unresolved arthritis refractory to aspirin and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, chloroquine phosphate (250 mg/day) has given promising results.


The definitive diagnosis can only be made by laboratory means, but CHIK should be suspected when epidemic disease occurs with the characteristic triad of fever, rash and rheumatic manifestations.

Virus isolation is readily accomplished by inoculation of mosquito cell culture, mosquito, mammalian cell culture or suckling mice. Viremia will be present in most patients during the first 48 hours of disease and may be detected as late as day 4 in some patients.

Virus-specific IgM antibodies are readily detected by capture ELISA in patients recovering from CHIK infection and they persist in excess of 6 months. Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibodies appear with the cessation of viremia. All patients will be positive by day 5 to 7 of illness. Neutralization antibodies parallel HI antibodies.

Chikungunya IgM serology test is available in University Malaya.

Ross River Virus (Epidemic Polyarthritis)

Striking epidemics of rash and fever were noted in rural Australia as early as 1928. Both endemic and epidemic transmissions in Australia pose major public health problems. Although never fatal, the discomfort and loss of productivity from joint symptoms persist for weeks and occasionally even years. The isolation of Ross River virus from mosquitoes and its serologic association with epidemic polyarthritis led to better understanding of the disease.

RRV is endemic and epidemic in tropical and temperate regions of Australia. Large epidemics have been reported from Northern Territory, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales. Aedes mosquitoes such as Aedes vigilax and Aedes camptorhynchites, Culex annulirostris and Mansonia uniformis have been implicated as vectors.

Clinical Features

In Australian cases, the incubation period has been estimated to be 10-11 days. Onset is relatively sudden and the first symptom is usually joint pain. Rash occurs in the majority of patients, usually coincident with, or 1-2 days after, initial symptoms but in some cases rash preceded joint pains by 11 days and followed them as much as 15 days. The eruption is usually macular, papular, or both and occasionally is accompanied by vesiculation of the papules or petechiae. The eruption is typically most prominent on the trunk and limbs and may involve the palms, soles, and face. In a minority of patients it is itchy, and it fades within a few days. Constitutional symptoms such as fatigue and lethargy occur in only half the patients. Body temperature is normal, or in half the patients modestly elevated for 1-3 days. Myalgia, headache, anorexia, and nausea are common.

Three-fourths of patients have joint manifestations and are incapacitated for considerable periods of time. The severity of the pain interferes with sleeping, walking or grasping everyday objects. Involvement of multiple joints, often asymmetrical and usually migratory, occurs. Wrists, ankles, metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal, and knee joints are most common, although toes, shoulders, and elbows are also targets. Joints of the spine, hip and jaws are least often affected. Arthralgias are worse in the mornings or after immobilization; modest exercise may improve them. About one-third of patients will have true arthritis. Periarticular swelling and tenosynovitis are also common. 10-30% of patients will have paresthesias and/or pain in the palms and soles.

Most patients will be unable to work or perform house work; but by 4 weeks, half will be able to resume normal activities, albeit with residual arthralgia. About 10% will still be limited by joint symptoms at 3 months. Occasional patients will continue to have signs and symptoms of articular disease for 1-3 years.

Treatment and Prevention

Aspirin and, if no relief obtained, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs should be used for relief of joint pains. Because eventual complete recovery is always assured, steroids should not be used.
A prototype inactivated vaccine has been produced in Australia.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 21, 2014 at 22:13
Tag : Alpha viruses.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Chikungunya Knocking But Not Contagious.

Assorted tropical diseases often breed during the transition seasons.
One of the tropical diseases are now emerging chikungunya disease.
What exactly is the Chikungunya disease? How is the impact if a person has the disease?
Chikungunya disease caused by chikungunya virus that originated and spread by the bite of Aedes aegypti and Aedes Albopictus. Therefore, to prevent any similar to the dengue fever, which includes 3M: drain the tub, close objects that can hold water, and hoard goods unused. Cause: Chikungunya virus
A doctor from the Mothers and Children's Hospital Eva Sari, Rawamangun, Central Jakarta, said that the dengue chikungunya difference lies in the virus. Chikungunya disease is derived from the chikungunya virus, whereas dengue is derived from dengue virus.
To distinguish it was a bit difficult because of all the viral infection causes fever (high) suddenly to 40 degrees.
However, in patients with dengue fever, the symptoms are accompanied by shock due to the leakage of blood vessels. While chikungunya is not the case.
Chikungunya disease symptoms in different people, depending on age. In adults, symptoms are characterized by joint pain and sudden high fever. Dengue fever can also bring joint pain even though the symptoms are not too intense.
But both can be the same initial symptoms: sudden high fever. While in children, symptoms of chikungunya only characterized by high fever alone. To ascertain whether the person is exposed to chikungunya or not, the doctor will do an examination of IgM and IgG anti-chikungunya.
Explained that chikungunya patients usually have pain in the whole body and headache. However, they will only be treated symptomatically, ie the extent of the symptoms alone. For example, by giving a fever or analgesic drugs to counteract the pain in the joints. Disease itself, because it is triggered by a virus, will heal by itself.
In the body, usually the chikungunya virus will incubate in a period of 5-7 days. Same with DHF. Entering the 8th day, usually starts to recover. But this depends on the level of immunity of each person.
In older people whose immune systems are depleted, joint pain can last for months or even up to two years because of a long healing process. However, the high fever only lasted 7 days. In adulthood with no history of other diseases, will usually heal within 7 days.
The immune system depends on a person's lifestyle. If you live a healthy lifestyle and a balanced and nutritious food intake, plus sports, chances are the pain will not be long. Therefore, chikungunya disease comes from a virus that can not be treated with antibiotics, but it really depends on one's immune.
Although not fatal, chikungunya patients may experience temporary paralysis. This is due to chikungunya affect any muscle joints. High pain at some point in organs, such as the elbows, wrists, toes, which is very intense, causing the sufferer can not move.

endemic illness

As a tropical disease, chikungunya is endemic, it could happen anywhere depending on the season. Usually more common in the rainy season or the transition period. Even so, like dengue, chikungunya now could happen to a person anytime.
Condition of the environment that most determines the level of vulnerability of the spread of chikungunya. If the environment is clean, then the mosquitoes are happy in a dark place and standing water will not breed. In the village or town, the same risks assessment, depending on the level of cleanliness.
Although characterized by high fever, medically there is no prohibition for the sufferer to take a bath. Only, in order not to shiver need to use warm water.
Chikungunya is not a contagious disease. You should not hesitate to make contact with the patient. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 21, 2014 at 21:53
Tag : Chikungunya Knocking But Not Contagious.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Did you know flowers beads.

 Latin name Canna indica
Flower bead mill is a plant belonging to the outside by the Latin name Canna lily. This plant usually grows in the forests and mountains although often used as an ornamental plant in the yard and garden city, because it has dazzling flowers. And apparently reversed canna flower charms of various colors have tremendous healing powers. Canna flower or flower beads originated from tropical America. These plants can live in the lowlands to an altitude of 1,000 m above sea level. This plant grows large, upright, with a height of two meters. This plant has a thick rhizome resembles a potato. The leaves are large and wide, pinnate clear. Tengguli green or red color. Large flowers with bright colors, such as red, pink, and yellow arranged in the form of bunches.

To reproduce Canna, Canna gang revoke enough (they grow like clusters), then separate the cob and can directly place the new plant. Usually the first soak two or three days in a bucket filled with water until it reaches the upper limit in the tubers (rhizomes), newly transferred. Flowers canna likes sun and moist soil towards wet. In Indonesia, canna planted as the water in the pond. canna in Australia resistant to heat air sometimes quite extreme, but do not like the cold at all.
Also snails (snails) are the main enemy canna because they like to eat the leaves. Canna flowers beauty has led to various types of hybrids and cultivars or very difficult to want to specify the name or species.


This plant in Australia is known as a producer of flour. Rhizome sweet flavor and cool nature makes the tuber as conditioning, fever reliever, laxative urine, sedative and lowers blood pressure. While the flowers are hemostatic. While the leaves contain tannin and sulfur. And according to a herbalist Yellia Manganese in Jakarta flower beads rhizome is better than the betel leaf to eliminate vaginal discharge.

Local names.

hosbe (Batak)
canna forest (Malay)
wana canna, g. pedestal, earlie, sebeh, beads, ganyol Leuweung (Sunda)
papaya flower, puspa midra, p. nyidra (Java)
tasbhi (Madura)
milu-milu (Bali)
firs, kontas, tuis im Tasic, totombe, wuro (Minahasa)
tasebe interest (Makassar & Buginese)
tasupe (Ternate).

Savor Flowers Canna.

The plant is classified as an outside plant with the Latin name Canna indica. This plant usually grows in the forests and mountains although often used as an ornamental plant in the yard and garden city, because it has a dazzling flowers. And apparently reversed canna flower charms of various colors have tremendous healing powers.
Canna flower beads or flowers come from tropical areas of America. The plant is capable of living in the lowlands to an altitude of 1,000 m above sea level.This plant grows large, upright, with a height of two meters. This plant has a thick rhizome resembles a potato. The leaves are large and wide, pinnate clear. Tengguli green or red color. Large flowers with bright colors, such as red, pink, and yellow are arranged in the form of bunches.

This plant in Australia is known as a producer of flour. Rhizome sweet flavor and cool nature makes the tuber as conditioning, fever reliever, laxative urine, sedative and lowers blood pressure. While the flowers are hemostatic. While the leaves contain tannin and sulfur. And according to a herbalist Yellia Manganese in Jakarta flower beads rhizome is better than the betel leaf to eliminate vaginal discharge. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 21, 2014 at 20:57
Tag : Did you know flowers beads.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Gladiolus flowers on.

variety of gladiolus flower
Gladiolus is an ornamental flowering plant in the form of shaped herbaceous crops included in the family Iridaceae. Gladiolus comes from the Latin "Gladius" which means small sword, as the shape of its leaves. A native of South Africa and spread in Asia since 2000 years. In 1730 began to enter mainland Europe and developed in the Netherlands. Plant gladiolus which includes subclasses Monocotyledoneae, fibrous roots, and these plants also form the contractile roots that grew during the formation of the new corms. The advantages of cut gladiolus flowers are long-lasting freshness about 5-10 days and can bloom all the time.
The results of the study in 1988, Indonesia recognize 20 gladiolus varieties of Dutch then tested multiple locations in the garden experiment Sub Research Institute for Horticulture Cipanas. Three varieties of which have the most beautiful appearance, (color and shape is different from the old gladiolus), namely: White godness (white), Tradehorn (red-orange), and Priscilla (white). Variety of gladiolus flowers are:

Gladiolus gandavensis, large, visible flower arrangement overlap, 90-150 cm long.
Gladiolus primulinus. small size, very interesting. Stemmed delicate but strong and reach 90 cm in length.
Gladiolus ramosus. 100-300 cm long flower stalk.
Gladiolus nanus. Curved flower stalk, and a length of only 35 cm.
Some other gladiolus flower cultivars that have been tested in Indonesia are: Red Majesty, Priscilla, Oscar, Rose Supreme, Sanclere, Dr. Mansoer, Albino, Salem, Angry Fire, Queen Occer, Ceker and so forth. Meanwhile, IAARD through Ornamental Plants Research Center (Balithi) has produced four varieties of gladiolus, namely, Dayang Sumbi, Kaifa, Clara, and Nabila.

Flowers that can be grown at an altitude of 600-1400 m above sea level, has a pretty good economic value. Plants from South Africa has a Latin name "Gladius", which means "little sword", can grow well in soil pH from 5.8 to 6.5 in the temperature of 10-25 ° C. Propagation can be done vegetatively and generative. These plants are very tolerant of various soil structure, from light sandy soils with low organic material to the soil is heavy clay or clay. Planting gladiolus should be cultivated on land that is not a former plantation gladiolus or close relatives, such as iris, ixia, freesia and monbretia.

Gladiolus flower production center in Indonesia's West Java contained in Parongpong (Bandung), Salabintana (Sukabumi) and Cipanas (Cianjur). In the middle of the region Java Bandungan (Semarang), while in East Java is in the area of ​​Batu (Malang). Gladiolus are produced as cut flowers that have economic value and aesthetic value. Cut flowers are also a means of traditional equipment, religious, ceremonial and ritual purposes other state. Gladiolus cut flowers is one of the most sought after, both for decoration in the building party at home or habitation. Plant gladiolus will bloom around 60-90 days after planting. The relatively large size of the flowers make it eye catching and worth paying. Gladiolus is also rich in color. There is a pink gladiolus, white striped purple, light orange, orange, yellow, gladiolus two colors, and of course white.

However, Flowers gladiolus flowers are relatively easy to lose water (gladiolus wilt quickly). Even so, the condition can still be circumvented. Of course, proper harvesting techniques should also be applied. Cut flowers should be harvested when the sun is hot but harvested before sunrise or late evening. When harvesting, cut the flower stems in italics. By doing so, created a broader cross-section of the stem to absorb water. Harvesting can be done after the flower petals 1 and 2 flower buds show color bottom already, but not yet in bloom. When the harvest is done after blooming, gladiolus flowers will easily damaged during transport. But otherwise if the flowers are harvested too early, the flowers can not bloom. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 21, 2014 at 20:29
Tag : Gladiolus flowers on.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Saturday 18 October 2014

Did you know flowers Wijayakusuma.

Wijayakusuma Flower
Wijayakusuma Flower (Epiphyllum anguliger) including types of cactus plants that have dicotiledoneae class. These plants originated from tropical America (Venezuela and Bors) and can live in areas with moderate to tropical climates. Even so, not all of these plants can bloom because it is influenced by climatic conditions, soil fertility also means maintenance.
Flowers Wijayakusuma just broke a few moments and can grow well in a place that is not too hot. In general, a type of cactus plant is rather difficult to determine its morphology, unlike the case with Wijayakusuma. This plant is easily identified after old age, we can see where the leaves, where the trunk, and other parts. Among the people of Yogyakarta and Surakarta, especially the palace, believed that a king who would ascend to the throne must have Wijayakusuma interest as a condition. This flower is also believed to be the incarnation of Vishnu heritage palace Dwarawati the Nature conservationist, Batara Kresna.

Plant shape.

The trunk is formed from the leaf blade is hardened and narrowed where the parent stem form is cylindrical. Plant height can reach 2-3 meters, leaves are 13-15 cm range. Strand itself shaped flat leaves and green leaves with a smooth surface without burr unlike other cacti. Then each of the edges of the leaves are indentations are usually covered with leaves and flower buds. The flowers are 10 cm in diameter, colored white and only bloom at night. Shape round fruit that has a red color and has black seeds. Breeding is usually done with penyetekkan or seeds.

Efficacy of Plants.

Flowers Wijayakusuma have properties to reduce pain and neutralize clotting. This interest has also accelerate wound healing power of abscesses. It's easy, just mashing the leaves and rub on cuts Wijayakusuma and after that use bandages to wrap the wound that has been smeared collision leaves. In addition, these flowers can also treat ulcers, simply put flowers on the boil before bed and do it regularly.
In addition, Wijayakusuma can be used as an anti-inflammatory medication, cough medication, also bleeding (hemostatic). Other properties are overcome pulmonary tuberculosis with asthma cough, coughing up blood and vomiting blood. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 18, 2014 at 14:39
Tag : Did you know flowers Wijayakusuma.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Ginseng original.

Who does not know with Ginseng. Korean plant has been known for thousands of years as an herb that is nutritious for health.
ginseng tubers.

During its development, the field is now known ginseng is not only limited to Korean, but also come from various parts of the world. In fact, the original Korean Ginseng is believed to have superior efficacy compared to other types and tested.

To know better the original Korean ginseng and diverse culture of the Republic of Korea in general, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea held Korea Korean Ginseng Festival 2008 which was held in the Atrium Senayan City, Jakarta, from 24 October to 2nd November. This event is the result of cooperation between the Embassy of the Republic of Korea with the Korea Agro Fisheries Trade Corporation and PT Multi Bestari Indonesia.

Republic of Korea's Ambassador to Indonesia Kim Ho Young declared the festival is expected to be an authentic Korean ginseng introduced to the Indonesian people.

"Korean Ginseng is a symbol of a country that has been known throughout the world. Plant is used as an herb since and has been recognized by the WHO. However ginseng is not classified as a drug.'s Usual material to improve and enhance the quality of healthcare," said Kim Ho Young.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Kim Si Kwan Korean Ginseng is known as an expert of Biomedical and Health Science, Konkuk University, asserted that ginseng has a main component called saponin.
The type and content of saponins in Ginseng Korea, said Prof. Kim is far more than other types of ginseng that was believed to be much greater efficacy.

"Korean Ginseng Saponins have 23 kinds of ginseng saponins whereas the West, Japan or China is only about 8 to 15 therefore the efficacy of Korean Ginseng is very high," he said.

In Indonesia, said Prof. Kim, Korean Ginseng will be very suitable for the people considering the climatic conditions and hot weather.

"Ginseng is very good for maintaining endurance and stamina. For hot regions such as Indonesia, herb ginseng may help control body temperature and blood circulation smooth," he explained.

Prof. Kim also added that research and studies on the efficacy of ginseng have been in the tens of thousands. Ginseng shown to effectively help cure a variety of illnesses ranging from blood vessel problems, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 15th October 2014 at 17:57
Tag : Ginseng original.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Did you know about Ginseng.

ginseng plants.
Ginseng (Panax) is a kind of medicinal plants belonging to the tribe of Araliaceae. Ginseng grows in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in Siberia, Manchuria, Korea, and the United States. Types of tropical ginseng can be found in Vietnam, Panax vietnamensis. The name "ginseng" is taken from the English, which is read following the Cantonese pronunciation, Jen Shen, in Mandarin is pronounced "ren shen", "人蔘" (duplicate humans), because the shape of the root that resembles a human.
Ginseng is used in traditional medicine. The roots of this plant can improve the flow and increase the production of red blood cells, and aid recovery from illness.
In Indonesia there are also plants that have properties similar to ginseng is ginseng som Java or Java, Talinum paniculatum Gaertn. and ginseng, Talinum triangular Wild. In the traditional treatment of the roots mixed with various types of drugs and the most famous wine in the form of a mixture. The study of the efficacy and their role has been done to make ginseng ginseng as Indonesia.
ginseng life cycle

Panax schinsen. 

Panax ginseng schinsen or Korean is a type derived from Korean ginseng.
Korean called ginseng as insam. In Korea, Panax schinsen that grows wild in the dense forests of the mountains called sansam (mountain ginseng). Sansam is wild ginseng, while insam is cultivated ginseng.
Although when it was first cultivated in Korean ginseng is unknown, but the quality has been known since long. One product known as Goryeo insam (Goryeo ginseng / ginseng korean).
Both quality korean ginseng planted in fertile soil due to favorable climate. Because the old Korean ginseng appreciate and strive to have it. Someone who is looking for wild ginseng in the mountain and sell it called sinamani (wild ginseng diggers).
Due regard is sansam mountain gods gift (Sansin), before digging ginseng they first pray to the god of the mountain and be careful in saying and acting. If found sansam, they would shout "bwatda sim" (I have found), and then perform the ritual for the god of the mountain before digging them carefully.
In Korean mythology, given sansam god of healing,
he is even alive and able to speak. At this time, insam been widely cultivated since his usefulness to humans, such as effective against cancer and disease, as a tonic, groceries, health drinks and so on.

ginseng tubers

Benefits of Ginseng for Health. 

Ginseng is often referred to as a "magic potion" because it has a number of health benefits so much. The roots of this plant are believed to address a number of health problems. Some people say, ginseng efficacious in lowering high blood pressure and raise low blood pressure.

The existence of ginseng actually been around a long time and has been used in the manufacture of herbal tea in China. In Indonesia alone, ginseng is used in traditional medicine. Ginseng has many bioactive content such as, saponins, phytosterols, peptides, polysaccharides, fatty acids, polyacetylenes, vitamins, and minerals.

Some of the health benefits that you can obtain from plants that are often used as a traditional herb this:

Reduces mental stress. 

Ginseng can improve mental alertness, as well as a change of mood and relieve fatigue. Another benefit is the herb of antidepressants and anti-anxiety. When a person experiences excessive stress, adrenal hormones (cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline) will flow out and cause a variety of health problems. In this situation, ginseng can help you in balance adrenaline levels.

Stimulates the immune and nervous systems. 

Ginseng can boost immunity. Some experts say ginseng herbal medicine can improve the quality of life. Adaptogenic properties of ginseng helps to stimulate the young. Whereas in the elderly, can restore damaged cells in the body. Ginseng can also help you fight off the flu and other infectious diseases.

Treating diabetes. 

Blood sugar levels can drop drastically by consuming ginseng. However, if you are already using antidiabetic drugs, it is necessary to reconsider the use of ginseng simultaneously. Because the mixing ginseng with diabetes drugs can make blood sugar levels are too low. Therefore, it is necessary recommendation from a doctor.

Preventing cancer development. 

The growth of certain types of cancer cells can be inhibited by ginseng. Chinese Medicine Journal reported, ginsenosides have anti-tumor effects and can induce cell damage in prostate cancer, ovarian cancer cells, lung adenocarcinoma cells, and neuroblastoma cells. In addition, ginseng also functions in inhibiting cell cycle progression, so as to slow the growth of cancer cells.

Lowering cholesterol levels. 

In some studies, Ginseng was found to lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Scientists believe that ginsenocides contained in ginseng is responsible for the decrease in cholesterol levels in the body.

Reduce Fatigue. 

Adaptogenic role of various strains of Ginseng is believed to physiological changes in the body to adapt to fatigue due to overwork.

Improve endurance athletes. 

The quality of ginseng in improving stamina has made it a popular stimulant tonic among athletes. During practice, an athlete needs to be consistent to maintain the stamina to stay high, and ginseng can help to make it happen.

The use of ginseng is not recommended especially for pregnant women and breast-feeding, to prevent the occurrence of contraindications. In addition, ginseng can also affect the reaction of some drugs, such as, blood thinners such as warfarin, heparin, aspirin, and diuretics.
Therefore, it is not advisable to consume ginseng if you are taking medication for hypertension or other cardiovascular disease.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 15, 2014 at 17:12
Tag : Did you know about Ginseng. 
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM