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Monday 8 December 2014

Opium circulation history.

What's opium, opium, or opium? Opium poppy is the term called narcotic sap raw material obtained from the fruit of opium (Papaver somniferum L. or P. paeoniflorum) immature. Opium is a seasonal crop can be cultivated only in the mountains of the subtropical region. Plant height is only about one meter. The leaves are oblong with a serrated edge. Long-stemmed poppies and out of the end of the branch. One stalk consists of only one flower petals crowned with white, purple, with a base of white and bright red. Very beautiful poppy Papaver up to several species commonly used as an ornamental plant. Fruits of opium in the form of spheres of green colored ping pong balls.

The history of opium began in 3400 BC when farmers began to plant it in Mesopotamia bottom. Since then, the population has been growing and use opium as a drug and as a medicine in the field of medicine, according to the website House of Opium, a museum in the province of Chiang Rai in Thailand.

The influence of opium in Asia is huge. British state interests in the profits from the opium trade has sparked two wars with China in the 1800s. Opium, which is often called "Black Gold," is so valuable that people often use gold as a substitute for money in trade. In the late 1900s, the same trade creates what is known as the Golden Triangle.

The region, which was named by the opium traders, covering parts of three countries: Thailand, Laos and Burma which covers more than 100,000 square kilometers of mountains and forming a triangle or the like. Two major rivers, the Mekong and Ruak, joined in the middle of the area.

To this day, "drugs entering Cambodia from the Golden Triangle area along the borders of Thailand, Laos and Burma," then through Cambodia to Thailand and Vietnam for export, "according to a book published in 2010 entitled Issues for Engagement: Asian Perspectives on Transnational Security Challenges (Problems To cite this Agreement: Asian views Regarding Security Challenges Friendlies). Golden Triangle countries have matured in making and distributing drugs, according to a book released by the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (Asia-Pacific Institute for Security Studies) it. For example, "the hidden laboratory supported by an organized crime syndicate made drugs in the areas of Cambodia are sparsely populated," the statement said of the book, and borders are porous fishing smugglers to pass through the forests remote. "

Thailand is "a transfer of cargo and a net importer of amphetamine type stimulants," according to the International Narcotics Control Policy report from the US State Department in 2010. According to the report, methamphetamine trafficked from Burma over the border of northern Thailand for export internationally. The possibility of drugs brought from Burma through Laos and Thailand across the Mekong River to enter, according to the report, adding that the smugglers also take him to the south through Laos to the Cambodian where they entered through the Thai-Cambodian border.

The number of methamphetamine tablets were distributed from the Golden Triangle has also increased in number, according to the report. In 2008 for example, the Chinese authorities in Yunnan province have seized methamphetamine as much as 2.4 tons.

Moreover, China and India is a major producer of ephedra and pseudoephedrine, which are used illegally in the manufacture of methamphetamine, according to the report. Then how the opium crop development in Indonesia, especially after India were able to sell opium to turn it into methamphetamine, cocaine and morphine, opium became sales are growing fast? In Indonesia opium began to enter the Dutch colonial era the 1980s. At that time the invaders get this opium from India and then sold to the public at large.

There are two ways that the current opium sales through auction sales to countries and ports throughout Indonesia. At that time, the high price of opium resulted in many smuggled opium.

Luckily, the negative influence of opium can be immediately realized the Dutch government. In other source mentioned in the 1900s, the Dutch government began to ban the people of Indonesia and its people to consume opium.

Still, sales of opium by the state and the owner of the land to the city was made considering the value of the sale of opium.

Entering the new millennium, the war on drugs such as opium and started on the increase. This is realized with the establishment of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) are committed to prevent the spread of drugs to meet the target of a drug-free Indonesia in 2015.

History of opium in Asia

1600s Population Persia and India eat and drink foods that contain a mixture of opium for the purpose of fun. Portuguese traders brought opium from India to China.

1700s The Dutch export of Indian opium to China and islands in Southeast Asia. Traders were also introduced by sucking opium poppy using tobacco pipe to the Chinese people. Opium dominate Shanghai 1907

In 1729 the Chinese Emperor Yung Cheng issued a ban on opium suck and sales in the country, except with a permit for treatment purposes.

1767 import figures of British East India Co. to China to achieve a surprising number of 2,000 chests annually. One crate can load 60 kilograms of raw opium.

1811 Thai King Rama II banned the sale and use of opium.

1839 Thai King Rama III introduced the death penalty for large dealers opium poppy but the problem proved to be too wide for the officers to be eradicated.

1842 England beat China in the First Opium War between 1839 to 1842. After the British forced the Chinese to keep open lines of the opium trade, China handed Hong Kong to Britain. Hong Kong developed into an important place for the transfer of Indian opium to enter the Chinese market is very large.

1856 The British and French resumed their hostilities against China in the Second Opium War, between 1856 to 1860. At the end of the struggle, the import of opium is legalized. In 1860, China began to grow opium itself in very much.

In 1898 Heinrich Dreser, who worked for Bayer Co. in Elberfeld, Germany, finds that diluting morphine with asetyl produce a drug without side effects. Bayer began making diasetylmorfin and named it "heroin", from the German word meaning heroisch heroic (acts like a hero). Heroin is not introduced in general over the next three years.

1900s A generous institutions U.S. Saint James Society organized a campaign to provide free samples of heroin through the mail to morphine addicts who are trying to quit. Britain and France succeeded in overseeing the manufacture of opium in Southeast Asia. This area, known as the Golden Triangle, and a major player in the lucrative opium trade in the 1940s.

1910 After 150 years failed in an attempt to liberate their country from opium, the Chinese managed to persuade the British to thwart the opium trade between India and China.

In the 1940s the Second World War cut off the flow of opium from India and Persia. Worried about losing his opium trade monopoly, the French encourage Hmong farmers from the mountains of southern China to expand the manufacture of opium.

1948 Burma gained independence from Britain at the end of the Second World War. Planting and growing opium trade in Shan area.

1950s U.S. trying to contain the spread of Communism in Asia by forging collaboration with tribes and leaders who inhabit the Golden Triangle area, so it provides a smooth relationship and protection along the Chinese border. In the mid 1950s, the KMT, a Chinese Nationalist Party, fled to areas around the Golden Triangle after the defeat of Communist China. To finance his goal against Communist aggression, KMT persuade the Burmese hill tribe farmers to plant more opium. Burma as part of the Golden Triangle opium increase manufacture as much as 10 to 20-fold, from 30 tons to 300-600 tons.

1960s The Southeast Asian opium merchants set up factories first heroin refineries in the mid 1960s in the hills of Laos, across the Mekong from Chiang Khong in Thailand. Then, they build more factories again in the Thai-Burma border.

1972 Warlord Khun Sa Burma export control heroin from the Golden Triangle, which became the main source of raw opium in the lucrative drug trade.

1978 Outbreak of heroin declined. The search for the source of the raw material of opium to the Sierra Madre in Mexico. "Mexican Mud" to temporarily replace heroin "China White" until 1978. In the same year, the US government and Mexico to spray poppy fields with herbicides that decrease the amount of "Mexican Mud" in the US To cover the shortage of supply, the area "Golden Crescent" (Golden Crescent) in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan improve the manufacture and trade of illicit heroin.

In 1988, Burma's military leaders to promote the establishment of opium under the rules of the State Law and Order Restoration Council (Restoration Council Law and Orders). U.S. suspect that a number of the largest shipment of 2,400 pounds of heroin were seized in Thailand, with the goal of New York, comes from the Golden Triangle.

1993 Thai Army with the help of the Bureau of Law Enforcement US Drugs launch activities destruction of thousands of acres of poppy cultivation in the Golden Triangle area.

1995 Golden Triangle has become a major opium producer, produces 2,500 tons annually. According to experts the US illicit drug, the drug dealers have created a new crossing paths from Burma through Laos to the southern part of China, Cambodia and Vietnam. For comparison, the harvest in 1987 in Burma reached 836 tons of raw opium; in 1995 the result increased to 2,340 tons.

1999 Afghanistan produces abundant harvest as much as 4,600 tons of opium. U.N. Drug Control Programme (United Nations Drug Control Programme) estimates that Afghanistan produces 75 percent of the heroin in the world.

2002 U.N. Drug Control and Crime Prevention Agency (Bureau of Drug Control and Crime Prevention UN) announced that Afghanistan is again the world's largest opium producer.

In 2003 North Korea effort to enter the Australian market with heroin trafficking heroin supported by the state government having trouble.

2006 U.N. Office on Drugs and Crimes (Bureau of Drug Control and Crime UN) reported that the harvest of opium in Afghanistan in 2006 will reach 6,100 metric tons - the highest achievement in the world. This figure represents 92 percent of the world's opium supply.

2007 King of opium and former leader of a breakaway from the Shan in the Golden Triangle area, Khan SA, died. He lived from 1933 to 2007. At its peak, the kingdom of narcotics Khun Sa regulate the manufacture of approximately one-quarter of the world's heroin supply.

In 2010 Despite the decrease regularly poppy cultivation during the last three years, Burma remains the second largest opium producer in the world after Afghanistan and produce as much as 330 metric tons, or 17 percent of the world's supply last year, according to "The World Drug Report 2010" from UN.

Many of us have encountered because of the effects of drug use and all kinds of opium. So our awareness of the dangers of these drugs need to be improved and more prudent to say SAY NO to DRUGS.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 8, 2014 at 17:01
Tag : Opium circulation history, Opium, Candu, Drug
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

About History.

History (Greek: ἱστορία, historia, meaning "inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation") is the study of the past, particularly how it relates to humans. In Indonesian history chronicle, saga, history, or legend can be defined as events and events that actually occurred in the past or origin (ancestry) pedigree, especially the kings who ruled. It is a general term that relates to past events as well as the discovery, collection, organization, and presentation of information about this event. This term includes cosmic, geology, and history of living things, but often generally defined as human history. Scholars who write about history are called historians or historians. The events that occurred before the written record called Prehistory.
History can also refer to the academic field that uses a narrative to examine and analyze the sequence of events of the past, and objectively determine the pattern of cause and effect that determine them. Historians sometimes debate the nature of history and its usefulness to discuss the study of the history of science as an end in itself and as a way to provide a "view" on the issue today.
Common story to a particular culture, but not supported by external parties (such as stories about King Arthur) are usually classified as cultural heritage or legend, because they do not support the "investigation interested" required of the discipline of history. Herodotus, the 5th century BC Greek historian in Western society is regarded as the "father of history", and, together with contemporary Thucydides, helped form the basis for the modern study of human history. Gait they continue to be read today and the gap between Herodotus and Thucydides military culture that focuses remains a point of contention or approach in the writing of modern history. In the Eastern tradition, a history of Chun Qiu country known to be compiled start since 722 BC, although the texts of the 2nd century BC survivors.
Ancient influence has helped interpretation seed variant nature of history that has evolved over the centuries and continue to change today. Modern study of history began to spread, and include the study of certain areas and certain topical studies or thematic element in historical inquiry. Often history is taught as part of primary and secondary education, and the academic study of history is a major science research at the University.


Painting with the title History or History by Frederick Dielman (1896)
The word history literally comes from the Arabic word (شجرة: šajaratun) which means tree. In the Arabic language, the history is called dates (تاريخ). The dates in the Indonesian word meaning less is the time or calendar. History says is closer to the Greek historia, which means science or intelligent. Then in English into history, which means that the human past. Another word that is approaching the reference is Geschichte which means it happened.
In terms of European languages, the origin of the terms used in the history of Indonesian literature there are several variations, however, many who recognize that the term originated history-genesis, in Greek historia. In English known to history, French historie storia Italian, German geschichte, which means that happened, and the Dutch are known gescheiedenis.
This term entered in English in 1390 with the meaning of "relations of events, the story". In Middle English, means "story" in general. Restrictions on the meaning of "record of past events" appears at the end of the 15th century. It was still in the Greek sense at that time Francis Bacon used the term in the late 16th century, when he wrote about "Natural History". him, historia was "the knowledge of the object is determined by space and time", so that kind of knowledge is provided by Memory (while science is provided by sense, and poetry is provided by fantasy).
Given the significance of language from various languages above may be emphasized that the notion of history concerning the time and events. Therefore, the problem of time is important in understanding the events, historians tend to overcome this problem by making a periodization.
In a linguistic expression of synthetic vs. analytic / isolation dichotomy, (史 vs. 诌) now appoint a different word for human history or stories in general. In Germany, France, and most Germanic and Romance languages, the same word is used for the use of the word "history" and "story".
adjective historical evidenced from 1661, and historic of 1669.
Historian in meaning a "researcher of history" from 1531. evidenced in all the languages of Europe, "history" is still used to use the word "what happened to the man", and "scientific studies that happened", the latter sense sometimes distinguished with a capital letter, "History", or the word historiography.

Understanding the history, according to experts.

J.V. Bryce.

History is a record of what has been thought, said, and done by humans.

W.H. Walsh.

The history focuses on the meaning and importance of recording only for humans. Note that include actions and human experiences in the past on things that are important so that a meaningful story.

Patrick Gardiner.

History is the study of what has been done by humans.

Ruslan Abdulgani.

This science is a branch of science that systematically examine and investigate the overall development of society and humanity in the past as well as events with a view to then assess critically all the research results, to further serve the treasury guidelines for the assessment and determination of the present state and direction of the future.

Moh. Yamin.

History is a science that is prepared on the results of investigation of several events that can be proven with material reality.

Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406).

History is defined as a record of the general public human or human civilization happens to the character / nature of the society.

R. Moh. Ali.

Moh. Ali in his book Introduction to History of Indonesia, reinforce the notion of history as follows:
The number of changes, events or events in reality around us.
The story of changes, events, or events in the reality around us.
Science in charge of investigating changes, events, and or events in reality around us.
From the above description made some simple conclusion that history is a science that studies all events or events that have occurred in the past in the life of mankind. In human life, historical events is an event that is timeless, unique, and important.
Events lasting
Historical events did not change and still remembered for all time.
Unique event
Historical events happened only once and never repeated exactly the same for the second time.
Important events
Historical events have meaning in determining people's lives.


Because the scope of history is very large, need a good classification to facilitate research. If some writers like H.G. Wells, Will Durant, Ariel Durant and write history in the public sphere, most historians have the expertise and specialization of each.
There are many ways to sort the information in history, among others:
Based on the period of time (chronological).
By region (geographical).
Based on the state (national).
Based on ethnic groups (ethnic).
By topic or subject (topical).
In the sorting, should be considered how the writing like seeing the limits of temporal and spatial theme itself. If it is not specified, then the historian may be stuck to the philosophy of the other sciences, such as sociology. This is why Kant is touted as the Father of Sociology mock history as a "stylist bricks" of sociological facts.
Many people who criticize the science of history. The critics see history as something that is not scientific because it does not meet the scientific factors, especially the factor "can be seen or try again", meaning that history is only seen as mere knowledge, not a science. Actually, this view is not acceptable to common sense because history can be repeated even impossible at all costs because history only happens once for ever. Although it's got such a challenge, the science of history continues to grow and show keeksisannya the level of science.

The historical record.

Historians get information about the past from various sources, such as written or printed notes, currency or other artifacts, buildings and monuments, as well as from interviews (which is often referred to as "the history of storytelling", or oral history in English). For modern history, the major sources of historical information are: photographs, moving images (eg a movie), audio, and video recordings. Not all of these sources can be used to study the history, because it depends on periodeyang want researched or studied. Research also relies on historiography history, or historical perspective, different from one another.
There are many reasons why people keep and maintain records of history, including: administrative reasons (eg, census purposes, tax records, and records of trade), for political reasons (in order to give praise or criticism on the country's leaders, politicians, or important people), religious reasons, the arts, sports achievement (for example: the Olympic record), note descent (genealogy), personal records (eg correspondence), and entertainment.
However, in the writing of history, these resources need to be sorted out. This method is called by critics source. Criticism source is divided into two kinds, namely external and internal. External criticism is criticism that the first should be done by historians when he wrote his work, especially if the source of history in the form of objects. Namely by looking validisasi physical form of the work, ranging from the shape, color and anything that can be seen physically. Medium internal criticism is criticism that seen from the contents of the source, whether justifiable or not.
Interviews were also used as a source of history. However, it should also act critical historians both in sorting through translational sources to digital or paper form.

In the past, research on the history limited to the study of written records or history told. However, along with the increasing number of professional academic and formation of a new branch of science of the 19th century and 20, there is also a new historical information. Archeology, anthropology, and other branches of social sciences continue to provide new information, as well as offering new theories about human history. Many historians are asking: if the branches of science, including the science of history, because the study was not conducted solely upon the written records? A new term, namely nirleka, stated. The term "prehistoric" is used to classify the branch of science that examines the period before the invention of the written historical record.
In the 20th century, the separation between history and prehistory complicates research. Historians time it tried to examine more than just the usual narrative political history of their use. They tried to examine the use of new approaches, such as the approach to economic history, social, and cultural. Everything needs a variety of sources. In addition, experts such as V. Gordon Childe prehistoric use archeology to explain many important events in places that are usually included in the scope of history (and not pure prehistoric). Such separation is also criticized for the exclusion of several civilizations, such as those found in Sub-Saharan Africa and in the Americas before the arrival of Columbus.
Finally, slowly over the past few decades, the separation between history and prehistory have largely been eliminated.
Now, no one knows exactly when history began. In general history is known as the study of what is known about the past of mankind (even though they had almost no separation between history and prehistory, there is a new field of science known as the Great History). Now what resources that can be used to find out about something that happened in the past (for example: the telling of history, linguistics, genetics, etc.), be accepted as a legitimate source by most historians.


Historiography is a science that investigates and parse the historical information based on belief systems and philosophies. Although of course there is some bias (subjective opinion) essential in all historical research (one of the biggest of which is the national subjectivity), history can be learned from the ideological standpoint, for example: Marxist historiography.
There is also a subjunctive history (speculation about history), known as "virtual history" or "counter-factual history" (ie: the history of the opposite story - or counter - with facts). There are some historians who use this method to study and explore the possibilities that exist when an event does not take place or the opposite takes place. This is similar to the type of alternate history fiction.

Methods of historical study.

Leading historians who helped develop the method of historical studies, among others: Leopold von Ranke, Lewis Bernstein Namier, Rudolf Geoffrey Elton, GM Trevelyan, and AJP Taylor. In the 1960s, historians began to leave the historical narrative that is both epic nationalistic, and choose to use a chronological narrative that is more realistic.
Historians of France introduced the method of quantitative history. This method uses a large amount of data and information to explore the lives of people in history.
Historians of America, especially those inspired era and the civil rights movement, trying to better engage ethnic groups, ethnic, racial, and social and economic groups in the study of history.
In this kebelakangan few years, scientists postmodernism loudly questioning the validity and need to be examined whether history. According to them, history merely personal and subjective interpretation on historical sources that exist. In his book In Defense of History (trans: Vindication History), Richard J. Evans, a professor of modern history at the University of Cambridge in the UK, defended the importance of history to the public assessment.

Learn from history.

The history of science is a topic that is very interesting. Not only that, history also teaches things that are very important, especially regarding: the success and failure of our leaders, economic system ever, forms of government, and other important things in human life throughout history. From history, we can learn anything that affects the progress and fall of a nation or a civilization. We can also learn about the background reasons of political activity, the influence of social philosophy, and cultural point of view and technology are manifold, throughout the ages.
One of the most famous quote about the history and importance of learning about the history written by a philosopher from Spain, George Santayana. He said: "Those who do not know his past, are condemned to repeat it."
German philosopher, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel argues in his thinking about the history: "It is taught by history and experience: that humans and governments have never learned anything from history, or the principles learned from it." This sentence is repeated by statesmen of Great Britain, Winston Churchill, said: "The only thing we learn from history is that we do not really learn from it."
Winston Churchill, who was also a former journalist and an author of the influential memoir, had also said, "History will be kind to me, because I'm going to write it." But apparently, he was not literally refer to his writings, but merely repeating a quote about famous historical philosophy: "History is written by the victors." That is, often the winner of a humanitarian conflict becomes more powerful than his subjects. Therefore, he was able to leave a trail of history - and the historical fact - according to what they feel is right.
Another view of the state that the power of history is so large that may not be changed by human effort. Or, although there may be able to change the course of history, the people in power are usually too distracted by their own problems so fail to see the overall picture.
There is still another view which states that history never repeats itself, because each is a unique historical event. In this case, there are many factors that lead to the occurrence of an event in history; maybe not all of these factors appear and repeated again. Thus, the knowledge that has been held on an event in the past can not be perfectly applied to events in the present. But many consider that this view is not entirely true, because the lessons of history still can and should be taken of any historical event. If a general conclusion can be drawn from these events closely, then this conclusion can be an important lesson. For example: natural disaster emergency response performance can continue and should be improved; although each occurrence of natural disasters is, by itself, is unique. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 8, 2014 at 16:21
Tag : About History.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Events Red and White.

flag of Indonesia
In the Red and White Event in Manado, the youths who joined the company VII KNIL troops under the leadership of Ch. Ch. Taulu along with the people doing the struggle for power in Manado, Tomohon, and Minahasa on February 14, 1946. About 600 soldiers and officers of the Netherlands successfully in captivity. On February 16, 1946, driven out leaflets stating that power in Manado selumh has been in the hands of the Indonesian nation.

Red and White Background events in Manado.

To strengthen the position of the Republic of Indonesia, leaders and youth prepare security forces under the name of Youth Indonesian troops led by Major Wuisan. The flag was hoisted in all corners of the Minahasa almost for one month, from February 14, 1946. On the other hand, Dr. Sam Ratulangi was appointed as Governor of Sulawesi and has a duty to fight for the security and sovereignty of the people of Sulawesi.

He ordered the establishment of the People's Struggle Safety Center. Dr Sam Ratulangi create a petition signed by 540 community leaders Sulawesi. In the petition it is stated that all the people of Sulawesi can not be separated from the Republic of Indonesia. With the petition, in 1946 Sam Ratulangi arrested and exiled to Serui (West Irian). This event is remembered to this day in the Indonesian nation as rare red and white event in Manado.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 8, 2014 at 15:46
Tag : Events Red and White.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

Linggarjati agreement.

The UK continues to pursue negotiations in order to be the best way to resolve the conflict between Indonesia and the Netherlands through the British diplomat, Lord Killearn. At the first meeting held at the Presidential Palace and in the East No. Pegangsaan 56. In the negotiations that led Sutan Syabrir Indonesia and the Netherlands by Pro. Schermerhorn. Then negotiations continued in Linggarjati.

Fill Linggarjati agreement  :

Contents Linggajati.
Dutch recognized the de facto territory of the Republic of Indonesia on Java, Madura and Sumatra.
Will be established by the federal state of Indonesia names that any state thereof is the Republic of Indonesia
Dutch-Indonesian Union was formed by the Dutch queen as head of the union Establishment of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS) and the Netherlands-Indonesian Union prior to the date of January 1, 1949


Linggarjati agreement signed on 15 November 1946 opposition from political parties in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the government issued Presidential Decree No. 6 1946 on the addition of KNIP members for a big party and representatives from areas outside Java. The goal is to enhance the KNIP arrangement. It turns out that opposition is still there, even the president and vice president threatened to resign if efforts to obtain approval was denied.
Ratification Linggajati

Finally, KNIP ratify the agreement Linggarjati on February 25, 1947, at the State Palace in Jakarta. The agreement was signed on March 25, 1947. If the terms of area, power of the Republic of Indonesia is becoming increasingly narrow, but when viewed in terms of international political status of the Republic of Indonesia is strong. This is because the British government, the United States, as well as some Arab countries have given recognition to the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

Approval was very difficult to happen, because the Dutch interpret the other. Even be used as an excuse by the Dutch to hold first Military Aggression on July 21, 1947. Along with the first military aggression carried out by the Netherlands, the Republic of Indonesia to send an envoy to the UN General Assembly in order for Indonesia's international position grew stronger. The messenger was composed of Sutan Svahrir, H. Agus Salim, Sudjatmoko, and Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusuma.

The presence of delegates to the attention of the UN session participants, therefore, the UN Security Council ordered a ceasefire implemented by sending good service commission (commission goodwill) with a three-state. Australia Indonesia proposed, Netherlands propose Belgium, and the two countries proposed that designate the United States as the third member. Richard C. Kirby of Australia, Paul van Zeeland from Belgium, and Frank Graham of the United States. In Indonesia, the third member of the Commission known as the Three Kingdoms (KTN). The Commission mediates the subsequent negotiations.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 8, 2014 at 12:39
Tag : Linggarjati agreement.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

History and Content Roem Royen.

Fill Roem Royen Agreement.

Fill Roem Royen Agreement.
The bright spot in the settlement of the conflict between Indonesia and the Netherlands looks. This is because both sides are willing to come to the negotiating table. The success brings problems Indonesian-Netherlands to the negotiating table is not separated from the initiative of the UN Commission for Indonesia. On April 4 April 1949 held talks in Jakarta, under the leadership of Merle Cochran, a member of the commission of the United States. Delegation of the Republic of Indonesia led by Mr. Mohammad Roem.

In negotiations Roem Royen, the Republic of Indonesia remains of the opinion that the return of government of the Republic of Indonesia to Yogyakarta is a key opening for further negotiations. Conversely, the Netherlands demanding cessation of guerrilla warfare by the Republic of Indonesia. Finally, on May 7, 1949 was achieved agreement between the Dutch with Indonesia. Then the ability of both parties agreed to implement UN Security Council Resolution dated January 28, 1949 and approved on March 23, 1949. The Indonesian government statement read out by the Chairman of the Indonesian Delegation Mr. Mohammad Roem which contains, among others, as follows.
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia will issue a cessation order guerrilla warfare.
Both sides are working together to restore peace hi and maintain security and order.
The Netherlands participated in the Round Table Conference (RTC) which aims to accelerate the delivery of a complete and unconditional sovereignty to the Republic of Indonesia States.
Dutch Delegation Statement was read by Dr. J.H. van Royen, which contains, among others, as follows.
The Dutch government agreed that the Indonesian government should be free and freely perform the obligations in the area that includes the residency of Yogyakarta.
The Dutch government unconditionally freed the leaders of the Republic of Indonesia and political prisoners held captive since December 19, 1948.
The Dutch government agreed that the Republic of Indonesia will become part of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS).
Round Table Conference (RTC) will be held in The Hague as soon as possible after the government of the Republic of Indonesia back to Yogyakarta.

Impact Roem Royen Agreement.

With the agreement in Roem-Royen the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) in Sumatra ordered lane IX to take over the government in Yogyakarta from the Dutch. Meanwhile, the military with suspicion welcomed the results of the agreement. However, warns General Sudirman entire command below in order not to think about the problems of negotiations.
Roem Royen Agreement

To reinforce the mandate of General Sudirman, Java Army and Territory Commander Colonel AH Nasution ordered field commanders can distinguish truce for political or military purposes. In general, the military did not fully trust the results of the negotiations, because it is always detrimental to the struggle of the Indonesian nation. On June 22, 1949 held the triangular negotiations between the Republic of Indonesia, Bijeenkomst voor Federaal Overleg (BFO), and the Netherlands under the supervision of the UN Commission headed by Christchley. The talks resulted in three decisions, which are as follows.
Returns government of the Republic of Indonesia in Yogyakarta will be held on June 4, 1949. The stoppage of the guerrilla war will be given after the government of the Republic of Indonesia in Yogyakarta on July 1, 1949.
Round Table Conference (RTC) will be held in The Hague.
Post Roem Royen

After reaching negotiations Roem Royen, on July 1, 1949 the government of the Republic of Indonesia officially returned to Yogyakarta. Furthermore, followed by the arrival of the leaders of the Republic of Indonesia of guerrilla terrain. General Sudirman arrived back in Yogyakarta on 10 July 1949. After the government of the Republic of Indonesia back to Yogyakarta, on July 13, 1949 held siding cabinet. In the siding Sjafruddin Prawiranegara restore mandate to the vice president Mohammad Hatta. The hearings also decided lane IX concurrently appointed as defense minister security coordinator.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 8, 2014 at 12:01
Tag : History and Content Roem Royen, Roem, Roem Royen, History
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

The Battle Ambarawa.

Palagan Ambarawa Monument.
Battle Ambarawa on November 20 ended on December 15, 1945, between TKR forces against British forces. Ambarawa is a town located between Semarang and Magelang, and Semarang and Salatiga. This event is motivated by the landing of Allied troops from Indian Division 23 in Semarang on 20 October 1945. The Indonesian government to allow them to take care of prisoners of war who are in prison Ambarawa and Magelang.

The arrival of the Allied forces (UK) followed by NICA troops. They are arming the former prisoner of war Europe, so on October 26, 1945 an incident in Magelang which then fighting between troops TKR with the Allied forces. The incident ended after President Sukarno and Brigadier General Bethell came to Magelang on 2 November 1945. They hold ceasefire talks and obtain an agreement as outlined in Article 12. The document that contains, among others:
The Allies will continue to put troops in Magelang to perform its obligation to protect and manage the evacuation of Allied troops were taken prisoner Japanese troops (RAPWI) and the Red Cross (Red Cross), which became part of the British army. Limited number of Allied forces in accordance with its duties.
Ambarawa and Magelang highway traffic lanes open as Indonesia and the Allies.
Allies will not recognize NICA activities and bodies underneath.
The Battle Ambarawa

Battle Ambarawa.

The Allies turned out to break her promise. On November 20, 1945 in the battle Ambarawa fighting broke out between TKR under Major Sumarto and the Allies. On November 21, 1945, Allied troops who were in Magelang drawn to Ambarawa under cover of fighter, but on 22 November 1945 fighting broke out in the city and the Allied forces did against villages around Ambarawa. TKR troops in Ambarawa with TKR troops from Boyolali, Salatiga, and Kartasura survive in the Dutch cemetery, thus forming field lines along the railway line which divides the city Ambarawa.

While the forces of Magelang direction TKR Division V / Navan under the leadership of Imam Androngi conducted dawn raids on 21 November 1945. The attack was aimed at repelling the Allied forces that persist in the village Pingit. Troops led by Imam Androngi herhasil occupied Pingit village and perform the seizure of the surrounding villages. Battalion Imam Androngi continuing pursuit movement. Then Imam Androngi reinforced battalion three hatalion of Yogyakarta, which is 10 Battalion under Major Suharto, 8 Battalion under Major Sardjono, and battalion Sugeng.

Finally the enemy surrounded, however, the enemy forces trying to break through the siege. The trick is to do a flanking movement and threaten the position of TKR forces using tanks from behind. To prevent casualties, troops retreated to Bedono TKR. With the help Regiment Two headed by M. Sarbini, Special Police Battalion led by Onie Sastroatmojo, and a battalion of Yogyakarta result of enemy movement successfully held in the village of Jambu. In Jambu village, the commander held a coordination meeting led by Colonel Holland Iskandar.

The meeting resulted in the formation of command called Leaders Battle Headquarters, located in Magelang. Since then, Ambarawa divided into four sectors, namely northern, eastern sector, the sector south, and west sectors. The strength of combat troops stationed in turn. On November 26, 1945, the leadership of the army Lt. Col. Isdiman Navan fall then from then Colonel Sudirman Commander of Division V in Purwokerto took over leadership of the army. Mutual combat situations TKR forces.
Strategy Battle Ambarawa

Enemy expelled from Banyubiru on December 5, 1945. After studying the situation of the battle, on December 11, 1945 Colonel Sudirman took the initiative to gather every sector commander. In conclusion stated that the enemy had pinned so that the latter should be carried out attacks. Plan of attack is organized as follows.
Carried out simultaneous and sudden attacks of all sectors.
Each sector commander leading the implementation of the attack.
Body forces struggle (irregulars) into backup power.
Today is December 12, 1945 attacks, at 04:30.
End of Battle Ambarawa took place on December 12, 1945 morning, TKR forces move towards the target respectively. Within half an hour TKR troops encircled the enemy forces in the city. Estimated strongest enemy defenses in Fort Willem located in the middle of the city Ambarawa. Ambarawa city under siege for four days and nights. Enemies who feels his position sandwiched strive to retreat from the battlefield. On December 15, 1945, leaving the enemy retreated to Ambarawa and Semarang. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 8, 2014 at 11:38
Tag : The Battle Ambarawa.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM


Raw materials glassmaking.

Basically, the raw material of glass consists of three types, each of which has a role in the quality and outcomes of glass products as a whole. These parts are :

Glass forming materials.

The raw material of this type consists of:
Quartz sand / silica SiO2 purity 99.1 - 99.7%
Sodium carbonate / soda ash (Na2CO3)
Boric acid / borax
phosfor pentaoksida
Dolomite (CaCO3.MgCO3)
Feldspar, with a molecular formula R2O.Al2O3.6SiO2 where R2O represents K2O or Na2O or a combination of both.

Cullet, the shards of glass or glass that comes from not qualifying product quality control. Cullet serves to lower the melting temperature of the raw material. Cullet is fed as much as 25% of the total raw material.
Stabilizer material, a material which can reduce the solubility in water, resistant to other chemicals including other materials contained in the atmosphere. Examples of stabilizer materials commonly used in the glass industry is
calcium carbonate, making the end product is insoluble in water.
barium carbonate, increasing the specific gravity and refractive index.
lead oxide, making the product becomes transparent, shiny, and has a high refractive index.

Zinc oxide.

Making glass is resistant to sudden heat, improves the physical and mechanical properties, and increase the refractive index.
aluminum oxide, increasing the viscosity of the glass, physical strength, and resilience against chemicals.

Secondary components, among which are :

Refining agent.

Eliminate gas bubbles on melting raw materials. Materials commonly used as a refining agent in glass industry is sodium nitrate and sodium sulfate or arsenic oxide (As2O3).

Color remover (decolorant).

Eliminate color is usually caused by the presence of iron oxide compounds that enter with the raw material. Materials used color remover is manganese dioxide (MnO2), metal selenium (Se), or nickel oxide (NiO).

Dye (colorant).

Used to make special glasses in accordance with the desired color.


Materials used as an opacifier is fluorite (CaF2), cryolite (Na3AlF6), sodium fluorosilika (Na2SiF6), tin phosphate, zinc phosphate (Zn3 (PO4) 2), and calcium phosphate (Ca3 (PO4) 2).

The process of making glass.

The process of making glass in the industry include the following stages :

Raw material preparation (batching).

At this stage of milling, sifting raw materials as well as the separation of impurities-impurities. The powder is weighed according to the composition of raw materials, including other necessary additives such as dyes or substances in accordance with the glass in the desired product. Stirring the mixture of raw materials in a mixer is done so that the mixture became homogeneous before it melted.

Disbursement (melting / fusing).

Raw materials that have been homogenized, sieved before putting into the furnace (furnace) temperature of about 1500oC so that the mixture will melt. During the melting process, each raw material will interact to form the following chemical reactions:

Decomposition reactions:
Na2SO3 Na2O + CO2 ... .. (1)
CaCO3 CaO + CO2 ... .. (2)
Na2SO4 Na2O + SO2 ... .. (3)
CaO + MgO + MgCO3.CaCO3 2CO2 ... .. (4)
The reaction between SiO2 with Na2CO3 at a temperature of 630 - 780oC

Na2O.aSiO2 aSiO2 Na2CO3 + CO2 + ... .. (5)

The reaction between SiO2 with CaCO3 at a temperature of 600oC

CaCO3 + CO2 + bSiO2 CaO.bSiO2 ... .. (6)
The reaction between CaCO3 with Na2CO3 at temperatures below 600oC

CaCO3 + Na2CO3 Na2Ca (CO3) 2 ..... (7)

The reaction between Na2SO4 with SiO2 at 884oC temperature

Na2SO4 + nSiO2 NaO.nSiO2 + SO2 + 0.5O2 ... .. (8)

The main reaction

bNa2O aSiO2 + + + dMgO aSiO2.bNa2O.cCaO.dMgO cCaO ... .. (9)

Furnace as a dilute mixture of glass raw materials, divided into three types, namely :

Pot furnace.

Usually used to produce glass-glass (special glass) such as art glass, optical glass with a small-scale production of about 2 tons or less. Pot is made of silica-alumina brick (clay) special or platinum.

Tank furnace.

Used in large-scale industrial glass and brick refractory (heat resistant bricks). Furnace is able to accommodate about 1350 tons of liquid glass that form a pool in the heart of the furnace.

Regenerative furnace.

Formation (forming / shaping).
Glass material is a liquid then flows into the tools that are used to form a solid glass as desired. There are several types of glass formation process, among which are:

Fourcault process.

The molten material flows vertically upward through a section called "debiteuse". This section is floating on the surface of the molten glass with a gap corresponding to the desired thickness of the glass. At the top there is a section debiteuse circulating cooling water will cool the glass up to 650 - 670oC. At that temperature the glass turns into a solid plate and will move supported by the wheel (roller) that draw the glass to the top. The figure below depicts the scheme Fourcault process.

Colburn process (Libbey-Owens)

If the process Fourcault, glass movement takes place vertically, then the process will move the glass Colburn vertically followed horizontal movement after passing through the wheels brace that form molten glass into sheets.

Pilkington process (float process)

Molten material flowed into a pool of liquid tin (Sn) heat. The flow rate of the liquid material is regulating the thickness of the glass sheet to be processed. Glass will float on the liquid tin due to the density difference between the two. Glass is still a liquid with heat supply from the burner at the top of the pond. Controlling the temperature in the pool is done in order to keep the glass flat on both sides and parallel. Biaanya Materials used for this purpose is a pure nitrogen gas. Furthermore, the glass flow through the area of cooling (still in the pool) and exit in the form of flat glass temperature of 600 degrees C. The process of a - c above is known as a mechanical process.

Process inflatable (blow).

This process is used to make glass bottles, glass packaging, or various other forms of glass art.

1. Annealing.

The function of this stage is to prevent tensions between molecules on uneven glass which can cause breakage. Glass annealing process consists of two activities:

(1) Hold the glass with enough time above a certain temperature criticism for lowering the internal strain,

(2) glass Cooling to room temperature slowly to hold the stretch to the point of maximum

This process takes place in the "annealing Lehr". For this type of sheet glass, annealing Lehr is bypassed by the glass which moves on wheels running.

2. Finishing and quality control (Quality Control)

Some of the final settlement in the glass industry is cleaning and polishing, cutting, enameling, and grading.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 08, 2014 at 10:20
Tag : Glassmaking.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM